Sold Out - Available On:“Why We Love Star Wars: The Great Moments That Built A Galaxy Far, Far Away” delves into the enduring appeal of the Star Wars saga, exploring the iconic moments that have captivated fans for generations and shaped the beloved galaxy far, far away.
Star Wars aficionado Ken Napzok counts down one hundred of those special moments that makes this series not just the best movies of all time, but the Greatest Saga Ever Told. What began as one movie about good people, evil oppressors, and the space wizards that stood between them has exploded into so much more. The moments that continue to inspire are on screen and in the pages of novels. They are found in the panels of comic books and among animated sequences on television. And they all continue to grow in stature, importance, and myth through discussions, debates, and daydreams. Why We Love Star Wars is a joyful journey through the universe we love to inhabit, again and again.
“Why We Love Star Wars” will transport you right back to the bliss of watching Star Wars for the first time. It’s a reminder of the impact this fantastical world can have on any race, culture, or personal experience. It’ll make you fall in love with Star Wars all over again! – Andres Cabrera, Producer/Host The Meaning Of podcast
Numbered eBooks: 400
Number of Unique Covers: 61
Number of 1:1 Covers: 28
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eBook Numbers 230 - 399
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Publisher : Mango
Series : Why We Love
First Publication Date : 2019
Author : Ken Napzok
Word Count : 106,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 45 ADA
Purchase Limit: 2
Cardano Policy ID : 623c0d067104c2dfb7dd55c7d2c18018aa976051098646ecd6e2db2c
Ken Napzok started his entertainment career as a disc jockey in Pismo Beach before heading to Los Angeles and the worlds of screenwriting, sketch and stand-up comedy, music blogging, and professional wrestling. He rekindled his passion for broadcasting as the producer/ newsman of the Schmoes Know Movie Show, co-host of the Jedi Alliance vodcast, and his podcast The Napzok Files.
In 2015, he co-created the Star Wars podcast feed ForceCenter with Joseph Scrimshaw and Jennifer Landa. With four new… Read More