Breathe in the ancient wisdom where silence speaks volumes,
Step onto a path lit by the timeless words of inner discovery,
Embrace the transformative journey of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a foundational text that succinctly outlines the philosophy and practice of yoga through a series of aphorisms. Organized into four chapters, the text begins by addressing the purpose of yoga—to quiet the mind and achieve inner clarity—and systematically presents the obstacles to spiritual growth while offering practical techniques to overcome them through disciplined practice and ethical living.
In its structured guidance, the sutras map out a progressive journey toward spiritual liberation, emphasizing the integration of body, mind, and spirit. This ancient work has not only shaped traditional yoga practices but continues to inspire modern seekers with its profound insights into consciousness and practical methods for cultivating self-realization and inner peace.
Numbered Audiobooks: 200
Number of Unique Covers: 16
Number of 1:1 Covers: 10
1 Unique Designs
x 68 Numbered Audiobooks
= 68 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 135-199
(34.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 50 Numbered Audiobooks
= 50 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 85-134
(25.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 30 Numbered Audiobooks
= 30 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 55-84
(15.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 20 Numbered Audiobooks
= 20 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 35-54
(10.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 15 Numbered Audiobooks
= 15 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 20-34
(7.50% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 10 Numbered Audiobooks
= 10 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 10-19
(5.00% of Supply)
4 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
= 4 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 6-9
(2.00% of Supply)
3 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
= 3 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 3-5
(1.50% of Supply)
2 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
= 2 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 1-2
(1.00% of Supply)
1 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
= 1 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 0-0
(0.50% of Supply)
Series : Monday Meditations Audiobook
Author : Patanjali
Narrator : Jothi Tharavant
Duration : 4h 10m 05s
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Purchase Limit: 2
Cardano Policy ID : 869e31b329b09bd48f078511598e82d44088d79b68489cde5876413a