The Wind in the Willows

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    “The Wind in the Willows” is a classic children’s novel written by British author Kenneth Grahame. The book was first published in 1908 and has since become one of the most beloved works of children’s literature.

    The Wind in the Willows received negative reviews upon its initial release, but it has since become a classic of British literature. It was listed at No. 16 in the BBC’s survey The Big Read and has been adapted multiple times in different media.


    From Wikipedia: The Wind in the Willows is a children’s novel by the British novelist Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. It details the story of Mole, Ratty, and Badger as they try to help Mr. Toad, after he becomes obsessed with motorcars and gets into trouble. It also details short stories about them that are disconnected from the main narrative. The novel was based on bedtime stories Grahame told his son Alastair. It has been adapted numerous times for both stage and screen.

    The Wind in the Willows received negative reviews upon its initial release, but it has since become a classic of British literature. It was listed at No. 16 in the BBC’s survey The Big Read and has been adapted multiple times in different media.

    Numbered eBooks: 454

    Number of Unique Covers: 454

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 454

    The God of the Wild

    93 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 93 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 361 – 453
    (20.48% of Supply)

    The Wild Wood Inhabitants

    53 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 53 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 308 – 360
    (11.67% of Supply)

    Mr. Toad

    52 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 52 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 256 – 307
    (11.45% of Supply)

    The Weasels, Ferrets, and Stoats Gang

    51 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 51 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 205 – 255
    (11.23% of Supply)

    The Mole

    50 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 50 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 155 – 204
    (11.01% of Supply)

    The Rat

    49 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 49 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 106 – 154
    (10.79% of Supply)

    Mr. Badger

    48 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 48 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 58 – 105
    (10.57% of Supply)

    The Toad Hall

    35 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 35 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 23 – 57
    (7.71% of Supply)

    The Otter and Portly

    23 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 23 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 – 22
    (5.07% of Supply)

    Numbered eBooks: 60

    Number of Unique Covers: 60

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 60

    The Rat

    13 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 13 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 47 – 59
    (21.67% of Supply)

    Mr. Toad

    12 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 12 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 35 – 46
    (20.00% of Supply)

    Mr. Badger

    11 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 11 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 24 – 34
    (18.33% of Supply)

    The Otter and Portly

    9 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 9 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 15 – 23
    (15.00% of Supply)

    The God of the Wild

    8 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 8 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 7 – 14
    (13.33% of Supply)

    The Mole

    7 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 7 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 – 6
    (11.67% of Supply)

    Numbered eBooks: 113

    Number of Unique Covers: 113

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 113

    The God of the Wild

    20 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 20 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 93 – 112
    (17.70% of Supply)

    The Rat

    19 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 19 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 74 – 92
    (16.81% of Supply)

    Mr. Toad

    18 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 18 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 56 – 73
    (15.93% of Supply)

    Mr. Badger

    17 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 17 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 39 – 55
    (15.04% of Supply)

    The Otter and Portly

    16 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 16 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 23 – 38
    (14.16% of Supply)

    The Weasels, Ferrets, and Stoats Gang

    12 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 12 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 11 – 22
    (10.62% of Supply)

    The Mole

    11 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 11 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 – 10
    (9.73% of Supply)


    Publisher :

    Series: Multi-Chain, Wildlife

    First Publication Date : April 1908

    Author : Kenneth Grahame

    Word Count : 25,250

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Cardano Retail Price : 299 ADA

    Cardano Discount Price : 199 ADA, #OGBookClub

    Purchase Limit: 2

    Cardano Policy ID : 2e05b1d4d5c7dd24bac638452695ad761e0c6710d50c00b16411ce32

    Ethereum Retail Price : .02 ETH

    Purchase Limit: 2

    Ethereum Contract Address : 0x6EE13388FACbC2c7D12747AaA0917c82cE1Bf42F

    Polygon Retail Price : 69 MATIC

    Purchase Limit: 2

    Polygon Contract Address : 0x5BB0D96aafbaf9A4f98d4bb123721aF052cb9f74

    Author Info

    Kenneth Grahame

    From Wikipedia: Kenneth Grahame (8 March 1859 – 6 July 1932) was a British writer born in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is most famous for The Wind in the Willows (1908), a classic of children's literature, as well as The Reluctant Dragon. Both books were later adapted for stage and film, of which A. A. Milne's Toad of Toad Hall, based on part of The Wind in the Willows, was the first. Other adaptations include Cosgrove Hall Films' The Wind in the Willows (and its subsequent long-running television … Read More
