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jpg.storeOne pivotal day, in twelve different lives to secure our eternal salvation… all we have to do is cooperate. Twelve people with opposing agendas, frequenting three different eras of earth’s history, are all experiencing their most vital day of entanglement with an ancient sutra. Across time and space, can these souls possibly achieve unity, to preserve sacred knowledge that could ultimately free us from our hidden oppressors?
Another romp through a spiritual evolution of our kind via the archetypes within each of us. From the mistress of time travel and other metaphysical mischief, Traci Harding.
We’ve been at war with them for our entire existence, yet completely blind to their machinations. Etheric parasites are secretly infecting the world’s population, feeding off the cosmic light of our spirit forms that connect us to higher dimensions. Our ancestors warned us about these dark, manipulative beings, known as Nagas and Archons. An inter-dimensional porthole incident in ancient Ur saw Earth sprinkled with deposits of a black liquid crystal goo, which is Archon consciousness made manifest. This organic AI, incompatible with our carbon-based forms, psychically manipulates leaders and world governments to pursue a trans-human, mechanised agenda. As once man has integrated with technology, the Archons can physically invade our bodies and absorb us completely.
Through the cycles of time, our Inter-dweller has been replaying history, guiding us to make the right choices to free ourselves. And yet we are all still here, playing out our roles of the innocent, the lover, the healer, the warrior, the seeker, the destroyer, the ruler, the sage, the creator, the orphan, the magician, and the fool.
With opposing agendas, we frequent three different eras of Earth’s history, yet we are all experiencing a vital day of entanglement with an ancient sutra. Despite the time and space that separates us, will we finally follow our Inter-dweller’s guidance and uphold the sacred knowledge that will ultimately free us from our hidden oppressors?
Another romp through a spiritual evolution of our kind via the archetypes within each of us. From the mistress of time travel and other metaphysical mischief, Traci Harding.
Numbered eBooks: 700
Number of Unique Covers: 266
Number of 1:1 Covers: 186
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eBook Numbers 105 – 128
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eBook Numbers 62 – 82
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eBook Numbers 44 – 61
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eBook Numbers 13 – 26
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13 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 0 – 12
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Publisher : Traci Harding
Series : Living Author
First Publication Date : December 2022
Author : Traci Harding
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 49 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 39 ADA, #OGBookClub
Purchase Limit: 10
Cardano Policy ID : fa1a9fe50ba15c82f9fc18c8fdb25c745769061991c0c6c100cad960
Traci Harding is a Science/Fantasy Novelist, published through HarperCollins/Voyager Australia, Brio Books, Bolinda Audio and She has released twenty-two novels to date that blend fantasy, fact, esoteric theory, time travel and quantum physics, into adventurous romps through history, alternative dimensions, universes and states of consciousness.
Since its release in 1996, her Ancient Future Trilogy has had over fifty reprints and five editions. The first book of the series made the … Read More
At an ancient sacred site, cosmic law is broken, when a Merlin displaces in time, the first of the Chosen. An arranged meeting will be the first counter-blow in an inter-time rebellion of immortal man against the gods.
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