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    This unique book, available only as an NFT through Book.io, is no half-baked project. It is loaded with cheese and ready to sizzle. Starting from a couple of random comments about “taters” the concept has grown root. In the pages of this book you will not find the boring, regular stories, like “Silence of the Yams,” but true works of Tuber Terror. But be careful, there are a lot of EYES watching, and it’s possible these words will drive you starch raving mad. This is certain to be THE collectible NFT book of the ages…


    The Taternomicon is an anthology of stories from a group of Book.io’s first “living” authors, pitting their series characters, or personal universes… against the overpowering essence of potatoes. Monsters, smugglers, Elder Gods, a wizard, and so much more. It is the perfect mashup of horror, fantasy and nonsense.

    Paul Jenkins has been creating, writing, and building franchises for more than 25 years in the film, graphic novel, and video game industries. Paul is an NYT bestseller, has been nominated for two BAFTA Awards, and received the PRISM award for contributions in storytelling. He is the creative force Bitcoin Origins.

    Tom Leveen is an award-winning novelist and Bram Stoker Award finalist with nine novels. He’s written for the comic book series SPAWN and is currently writing fiction in the Battle Tech universe for Catalyst Games labs.

    Joseph Eleam and Tim Canada are to be held responsible for the adventures of The Wizard Tim. They wrote the first fiction story to be published by Book.io and it is VERY fitting that Tim reprise his adventures in the first fully original anthology published by Book.io.

    Joseph Nassise is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling writer, editor, and writing coach. He’s the author of more than sixty titles, including the Templar Chronicles series, the Great Undead War series, and the Jeremiah Hunt trilogy. His book THE HERETIC was the first title by an NYT bestselling author to be published by Book.io and so there was no way he could avoid pitting his character against… spuds. It was in the stars.

    Steven Savile is an award-winning, bestselling author with so many credits in so many genres it’s difficult to keep track. He’s currently writing and designing and writing role-playing games for Lex Ocultum. His novel Silver, which was one of the top bestselling books of 2011, can be minted through Book.io. Steve and author David Niall Wilson also collaborated on a weird western novel with everything from the devil’s gunfighter to the first woman Lilith and her crow men as characters that has become something of a cult classic. Now he has turned his acerbic wit to the PUNishment of potatoes…

    Jon F. Merz is a bestelling author with over 60 titles under his belt. And that belt? It’s a fifth- degree black belt in Togakure-ryu Ninjutsu… In this very book, his vampire character Lawson is FIXXING potatoes. Seriously. You don’t want to miss this… Jon is also in pre-production of a TV series based on this same series, though I do not believe potatoes will be involved.

    David Niall Wilson has written more than forty novels and collections. He’s won the Bram Stoker Award twice, been president of the Horror Writer’s Association hit the USA Today bestseller list and written for Star Trek, Stargate Atlantis, and White Wolf’s World of Darkness. He is the owner of Crossroad Press Publishing and is personally responsible for forcing perfectly talented authors to write about potatoes so that this book could exist.

    Numbered eBooks: 754

    Number of Unique Covers: 154

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 62

    Nocht De Taterkin

    16 Unique Designs
    x 11 Numbered eBooks
    = 176 NFT eBooks
    (23.34% of Supply)


    14 Unique Designs
    x 10 Numbered eBooks
    = 140 NFT eBooks
    (18.57% of Supply)

    The Peeling

    14 Unique Designs
    x 9 Numbered eBooks
    = 126 NFT eBooks
    (16.71% of Supply)

    Where the Spuds Dare

    14 Unique Designs
    x 7 Numbered eBooks
    = 98 NFT eBooks
    (13.00% of Supply)

    French Fries

    13 Unique Designs
    x 6 Numbered eBooks
    = 78 NFT eBooks
    (10.34% of Supply)

    Murphy’s Law

    11 Unique Designs
    x 4 Numbered eBooks
    = 44 NFT eBooks
    (5.84% of Supply)

    Rooting Around

    10 Unique Designs
    x 3 Numbered eBooks
    = 30 NFT eBooks
    (3.98% of Supply)

    Smugglers & Lycans

    8 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 8 NFT eBooks
    (1.06% of Supply)

    Damn Good Taters

    8 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 8 NFT eBooks
    (1.06% of Supply)

    The Cellar

    7 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 7 NFT eBooks
    (0.93% of Supply)

    The Rescue

    7 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 7 NFT eBooks
    (0.93% of Supply)


    6 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 6 NFT eBooks
    (0.80% of Supply)

    Undead High

    6 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 6 NFT eBooks
    (0.80% of Supply)

    The Siege of Halfass

    5 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 5 NFT eBooks
    (0.66% of Supply)


    15 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 15 NFT eBooks
    (1.99% of Supply)


    Series : Living Author

    First Publication Date : April 11, 2023

    Authors: David Niall Wilson, Jon F. Merz, Joseph Eleam, Joseph Nassise, Paul Jenkins, Steven Savile, Tim Canada, Tom Leveen

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : Book.io eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Cardano Retail Price : 49 ADA

    Cardano Discount Price : 39 ADA, #OGBookClub

    Purchase Limit: 5

    Cardano Policy ID : ddb1ec03acb20010637401eac2ad0ccd34a477daf21831035252c71b

    Author Info

    David Niall Wilson

    David Niall Wilson is a USA Today bestselling, multiple Bram Stoker Award-winning author of more than forty novels and collections. He is a former president of the Horror Writers Association and CEO and founder of Crossroad Press Publishing.
    His novels include This is My Blood, Deep Blue, and Many More. His most recent published works are the collection The Devil’s in the Flaws & Other Dark Truths, and the historical fantasy novel Jurassic Ark – a retelling of the Noah’s Ark story… … Read More

    Jon F. Merz

    Writer, Actor, Producer, Veteran, Adventurer, Model, 5th Degree Black Belt Ninja, CrossFitter, GORUCK Tough, Cartoonist, Husband, Father...these are just a few of the things that I love doing throughout the course of my 47 years. Writing to me means giving my readers & fans one helluva thrill ride. And I hope you agree when you read my work that they're a blast.
    Here's a quick run-down of my published work...
    Let's face it: there are a LOT of vampire series out t… Read More

    Joseph Eleam

    Joseph Eleam is part of the duo responsible for the adventures of The Wizard Tim. He is a writer of sometimes serious and sometimes nonsensical stories. Read More

    Joseph Nassise

    Joseph Nassise is the New York Times, USA Today, and Der Spiegel bestselling author of more than fifty novels in the supernatural action adventure and urban fantasy genres, including the Templar Chronicles series, the Jeremiah Hunt series, and the Great Undead War series.
    He's a former two-term president of the Horror Writers Association, the world's largest organization of professional horror writers, and a three-time Bram Stoker Award and International Horror Guild Award nominee. His work has… Read More

    Paul Jenkins

    Paul Jenkins has been creating, writing, and building franchises for more than 25 years in the film, graphic novel, and video game industries. Paul is an NYT bestseller, has been nominated for two BAFTA Awards, and received the PRISM award for contributions in storytelling. He is the creative force Bitcoin Origins. Read More

    Steven Savile

    Steven Savile has written for Doctor Who, Torchwood, Primeval, Stargate, Warhammer, Slaine, Fireborn, Pathfinder, Arkham Horror, Rogue Angel, and other popular game and comic worlds. He won the International Media Association of Tie-In Writers award for his novel, SHADOW OF THE JAGUAR, and the inaugural Lifeboat to the Stars award for TAU CETI (co-authored with International Bestselling novelist Kevin J. Anderson). Writing as Matt Langley his young adult novel BLACK FLAG was a finalist for the P… Read More

    Tim Canada

    Tim the lazy overweight wizard has his dream job.  As the town wizard for a halfling town named Halfass, he never has to do anything except eat, nap, and do absolutely nothing. However, he soon finds out that even the best posts don't last forever...
    Read More

    Tom Leveen

    Tom Leveen is the author of nine novels with imprints of Random House, Simon & Schuster, Abrams, and more. He has also teamed up with Todd McFarlane writing Spawn, the comic book series, and released four independent books: A young adult novel, a how-to guide for writers on the subject of dialogue, a book on using movies to improve your fiction writing, and a horror novella based on real events.
    Currently a library assistant in charge of teen programming with Phoenix Public Library, Tom has… Read More
