The Sun Also Rises

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    “The Sun Also Rises” is a novel written by American author Ernest Hemingway. It was published in 1926 and is considered one of Hemingway’s most famous works. The novel is often seen as a quintessential piece of literature from the “Lost Generation,” a term used to describe the disillusionment and aimlessness experienced by many individuals in the aftermath of World War I.

    The story is primarily set in the 1920s and follows a group of expatriates, mainly American and British, as they navigate their lives in the aftermath of the war, grappling with existential disillusionment and a sense of cultural and moral bankruptcy. The characters engage in excessive drinking, partying, and searching for meaning amidst the shifting values of society.


    The Sun Also Rises is a 1926 novel by American writer Ernest Hemingway, his first, that portrays American and British expatriates who travel along the Camino de Santiago from Paris to the Festival of San Fermín in Pamplona and watch the running of the bulls and the bullfights. An early modernist novel, it received mixed reviews upon publication. Hemingway biographer Jeffrey Meyers writes that it is now “recognized as Hemingway’s greatest work” and Hemingway scholar Linda Wagner-Martin calls it his most important novel.The novel was published in the United States in October 1926 by Scribner’s. A year later, Jonathan Cape published the novel in London under the title Fiesta. It remains in print.

    The novel is a roman à clef: the characters are based on people in Hemingway’s circle and the action is based on events, particularly Hemingway’s life in Paris in the 1920s and a trip to Spain in 1925 for the Pamplona festival and fishing in the Pyrenees. Hemingway converted to Catholicism as he wrote the novel, and Jeffrey Herlihy-Mera notes that protagonist Jake Barnes, a Catholic, was “a vehicle for Hemingway to rehearse his own conversion, testing the emotions that would accompany one of the most important acts of his life.”Hemingway presents his notion that the “Lost Generation”—considered to have been decadent, dissolute and irretrievably damaged by World War I—was in fact resilient and strong. Hemingway investigates the themes of love and death, the revivifying power of nature and the concept of masculinity. His spare writing style, combined with his restrained use of description to convey characterizations and action, demonstrates his “Iceberg Theory” of writing.

    Numbered eBooks: 104

    Number of Unique Covers: 104

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 104

    The Running of the Bulls

    20 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 20 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 84 – 103
    (19.23% of Supply)

    The Sun Also Rises

    18 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 18 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 84 – 103
    (17.31% of Supply)

    The Lady Brett Ashley

    17 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 17 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 49 – 65
    (16.35% of Supply)

    The American Writer

    15 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 15 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 34 – 48
    (14.42% of Supply)

    The Bullfighter

    14 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 14 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 20 – 33
    (13.46% of Supply)

    The Impotent

    13 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 13 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 7 – 19
    (12.50% of Supply)

    The Haunted Pasts

    7 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 7 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 – 6
    (6.73% of Supply)

    Numbered eBooks: 63

    Number of Unique Covers: 63

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 63

    The Bullfighter

    13 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 13 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 50 – 62
    (20.63% of Supply)

    The Impotent

    12 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 12 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 38 – 49
    (19.05% of Supply)

    The Sun Also Rises

    11 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 11 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 27 – 37
    (17.46% of Supply)

    The Lady Brett Ashley

    10 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 10 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 17 – 26
    (15.87% of Supply)

    The Running of the Bulls

    9 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 9 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 8 – 16
    (14.29% of Supply)

    The Haunted Pasts

    8 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 8 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 – 7
    (12.70% of Supply)

    Numbered eBooks: 718

    Number of Unique Covers: 206

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 120

    The Impotent

    28 Unique Designs
    x 10 Numbered eBooks
    = 280 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 438 – 717
    (39.00% of Supply)

    The City of Love

    22 Unique Designs
    x 8 Numbered eBooks
    = 176 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 262 – 437
    (24.51% of Supply)

    The American Writer

    25 Unique Designs
    x 5 Numbered eBooks
    = 125 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 162 – 261
    (17.41% of Supply)

    Love is in the Air

    11 Unique Designs
    x 4 Numbered eBooks
    = 44 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 118 – 161
    (6.13% of Supply)

    The Sun Also Rises

    33 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 33 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 87 – 117
    (4.60% of Supply)

    The Lady Brett Ashley

    26 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 26 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 61 – 86
    (3.62% of Supply)

    The Bullfighter

    23 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 23 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 38 – 60
    (3.20% of Supply)

    The Haunted Pasts

    20 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 20 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 18 – 37
    (2.79% of Supply)

    The Running of the Bulls

    18 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 18 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 – 17
    (2.51% of Supply)


    Publisher :

    Series: Misfits, Multi-Chain

    First Publication Date : October 1926

    Author : Ernest Hemingway

    Word Count : 67,707

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Ethereum Contract Address : 0xfB20B118A3C6DF7E86A4e045420E1EF40f2c39d2

    Author Info

    Ernest Hemingway

    From Wikipedia: Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short-story writer, and journalist. His economical and understated style—which included his iceberg theory—had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his adventurous lifestyle and public image brought him admiration from later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and he was awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize in Literature. He published s… Read More
