The Philosophy of Beards

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    “The Philosophy of Beards” by Thomas S. Gowing is a whimsical exploration of facial hair that transcends mere grooming advice to delve into the deeper cultural and philosophical significance of the beard. Gowing, a Victorian-era advocate for the beard, presents a spirited defense of facial hair as a symbol of masculinity, intellect, and individuality. Through witty anecdotes and historical anecdotes, Gowing celebrates the beard as a timeless symbol of rebellion against societal norms and a reflection of one’s inner character.


    In “The Philosophy of Beards,” Gowing challenges prevailing notions of beauty and conformity, arguing that the beard is a natural expression of male virility and strength. He traces the evolution of facial hair throughout history, from its revered status in ancient civilizations to its vilification in more recent times. Gowing’s irreverent tone and keen observations offer readers a lighthearted yet thought-provoking examination of the beard’s role in shaping identity and challenging societal norms.

    Beyond its humorous anecdotes and witty observations, “The Philosophy of Beards” offers a deeper exploration of the human psyche and the quest for self-expression. Gowing’s celebration of the beard as a symbol of individuality and defiance resonates with readers of all ages, reminding us of the power of personal adornment to convey identity and assert autonomy. Through his spirited defense of facial hair, Gowing invites readers to embrace their unique selves and celebrate the diversity of human expression.

    Numbered eBooks: 9,087,942,420

    Number of Unique Covers: 1

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 0

    The Philosophy of Beards

    1 Unique Designs
    x 9,087,942,420 Numbered eBooks
    = 9,087,942,420 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 - 908,794,420
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    Publisher :

    First Publication Date : 1854

    Author : Thomas S. Gowing

    Word Count : 17,000

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    $STUFF Retail Price : 0.001 $STUFF

    Cardano Policy ID : 8d7526784ef72fe0ccdd085976ada0da88e7fb013e38e794b0923341

    Author Info

    Thomas S. Gowing

    Thomas S. Gowing (1806 - 1874), an English author, delved into the cultural and philosophical significance of facial hair in his renowned work "The Philosophy of Beards." Published in 1854, Gowing's book offers a whimsical exploration that transcends mere grooming advice, delving into the deeper implications of the beard in society. Through witty anecdotes and historical references, Gowing navigates the complexities of beard culture, shedding light on its various interpretations and symbolic mea… Read More
