The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

    Series : IRL
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    The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci unlocks the mind of a genius, revealing a treasure trove of sketches and ideas that blend art and science in groundbreaking ways.


    The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci presents an extraordinary glimpse into the mind of one of history’s greatest geniuses. This collection compiles Leonardo da Vinci’s extensive sketches, diagrams, and musings, covering a vast array of topics from art and anatomy to engineering and flight. Through his meticulous notes and drawings, da Vinci reveals his relentless curiosity and groundbreaking ideas, showcasing his profound understanding of both the natural world and human creativity.

    As readers explore these notebooks, they encounter da Vinci’s innovative designs and visionary concepts, many of which were ahead of their time. The notebooks offer not only a window into his artistic process and scientific inquiries but also an intimate view of his thought process and problem-solving techniques. This treasure trove of knowledge highlights da Vinci’s role as a pioneer in multiple fields, underscoring his lasting influence on art, science, and technology.

    Numbered eBooks: 350

    Number of Unique Covers: 350

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 350

    The Natural Science

    75 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 75 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 275 - 349
    (21.43% of Supply)

    Leonardo da Vinci

    74 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 74 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 201 - 274
    (21.14% of Supply)

    The Mona Lisa

    40 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 40 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 161 - 200
    (11.43% of Supply)

    The Cradle of the Renaissance

    38 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 38 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 123 - 160
    (10.86% of Supply)

    The Anatomical Studies

    33 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 33 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 90 - 122
    (9.43% of Supply)

    The Atelier

    27 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 27 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 63 - 89
    (7.71% of Supply)

    The Military Engineering

    22 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 22 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 41 - 62
    (6.29% of Supply)

    Leonardo's Milan

    19 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 19 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 22 - 40
    (5.43% of Supply)

    The Flying Machine

    14 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 14 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 8 - 21
    (4.00% of Supply)

    The Vitruvian Man

    8 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 8 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 - 7
    (2.29% of Supply)


    Publisher :

    Series : IRL

    First Publication Date : 1883

    Author : Leonardo da Vinci

    Word Count : 380,000

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Author Info

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), a towering figure of the Renaissance, exemplified the union of art and science through his extraordinary talents and intellectual curiosity. Renowned for masterpieces like the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper," Leonardo's art showcases his deep understanding of human anatomy, light, and perspective. His innovative techniques in painting and drawing not only set new standards in art but also demonstrated his unique ability to merge scientific observation with artis… Read More
