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opensea.ioSold Out - Available On:“The Mark of Zorro” is a novel written by Johnston McCulley, first published in 1919. The story has been adapted into various films, television series, and other media over the years. The novel introduces the character of Zorro, a masked vigilante who defends the oppressed in Spanish California during the era of Mexican rule.
“The Mark of Zorro” is a classic swashbuckling adventure with elements of romance, intrigue, and social justice.
The protagonist, Don Diego Vega, is a wealthy young man who returns from his studies in Spain to find his homeland oppressed by corrupt officials. To fight against injustice, Diego assumes the secret identity of Zorro, meaning “fox” in Spanish. Zorro is known for his swordsmanship, agility, and his signature “Z” mark, which he leaves at the scene of his exploits.
Zorro has become an iconic character in popular culture, and the story has been adapted into numerous films and television series, making a lasting impact on the adventure genre.
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Policy ID: 0xFA96c1e4d40b4badd577686A085Ab8C342C0671f
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Policy ID: 0xBA178B5a4b3ff2F7325AFF23C6aCd3Cf6dC4985f
Publisher :
Series : Adventure
First Publication Date : 1919
Author : Johnston McCulley
Word Count : 86,500
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 109 ADA
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Ethereum Retail Price : .02 ETH
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Johnston McCulley (1883–1958) was an American author best known for creating the character Zorro. Born on February 2, 1883, in Ottawa, Illinois, McCulley wrote in various genres, including crime, adventure, and romance. He was a prolific writer, and his works often appeared in pulp magazines.
McCulley's most famous creation, Zorro, first appeared in the serialized novel "The Curse of Capistrano" in 1919. The story introduced the masked vigilante Zorro, who fought against corrupt officials in … Read More