The Man in the Iron Mask

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    “The Man in the Iron Mask” is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, père, first published in 1847. It is part of the “d’Artagnan Romances,” which also includes “The Three Musketeers” and “Twenty Years After.”

    The story is set in the 17th century and follows the adventures of the musketeers, Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and their young protégé, d’Artagnan. The plot revolves around the existence of a mysterious prisoner in the Bastille who is always seen wearing an iron mask.


    From WikipediaThe Man in the Iron Mask has been the subject of many works of fiction, most prominently in 1850 by Alexandre Dumas. A section of his novel The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later—the final installment of his D’Artagnan saga—features this prisoner, portrayed as Louis XIV’s identical twin and forced to wear an iron mask. In 1840, Dumas had first presented a review of the popular theories about the prisoner extant in his time in the chapter “L’homme au masque de fer”, published in the eighth volume of his non-fiction Crimes Célèbres. This approach was adopted by many subsequent authors, and speculative works have continued to appear on the subject.

    Numbered eBooks: 745

    Number of Unique Covers: 189

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 80

    The Palace

    30 Unique Designs
    x 8 Numbered eBooks
    = 240 NFT eBooks
    (32.21% of Supply)

    The Heart-Broken Raoul

    23 Unique Designs
    x 7 Numbered eBooks
    = 161 NFT eBooks
    (21.61% of Supply)

    The Corrupt King

    17 Unique Designs
    x 6 Numbered eBooks
    = 102 NFT eBooks
    (13.69% of Supply)

    The Musketeers

    16 Unique Designs
    x 5 Numbered eBooks
    = 80 NFT eBooks
    (10.74% of Supply)

    The Bastille

    13 Unique Designs
    x 4 Numbered eBooks
    = 52 NFT eBooks
    (6.98% of Supply)

    The Death of D’Artagnan

    10 Unique Designs
    x 3 Numbered eBooks
    = 30 NFT eBooks
    (4.03% of Supply)

    The King’s Mother

    17 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 17 NFT eBooks
    (2.28% of Supply)

    The Heartbreaker

    16 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 16 NFT eBooks
    (2.15% of Supply)

    The Armor of Versailles

    14 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 14 NFT eBooks
    (1.88% of Supply)

    The King’s Crown

    12 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 12 NFT eBooks
    (1.61% of Supply)

    Raoul’s Love

    11 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 11 NFT eBooks
    (1.48% of Supply)

    The Iron Mask

    10 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 10 NFT eBooks
    (1.34% of Supply)

    Numbered eBooks: 100

    Number of Unique Covers: 100

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 100

    The Heartbreaker

    28 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 28 NFT eBooks
    (28.00% of Supply)

    The Iron Mask

    27 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 27 NFT eBooks
    (27.00% of Supply)

    The King’s Mother

    14 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 14 NFT eBooks
    (14.00% of Supply)

    The Musketeers

    12 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 12 NFT eBooks
    (12.00% of Supply)

    The Raoul’s Love

    10 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 10 NFT eBooks
    (10.00% of Supply)

    The Armor of Versailles

    9 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 9 NFT eBooks
    (9.00% of Supply)

    Numbered eBooks: 152

    Number of Unique Covers: 152

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 152

    The Corrupt King

    21 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 21 NFT eBooks
    (13.82% of Supply)

    The Musketeers

    20 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 20 NFT eBooks
    (13.16% of Supply)

    The Bastille

    19 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 19 NFT eBooks
    (12.50% of Supply)

    The Death of D’Artagnan

    17 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 17 NFT eBooks
    (11.18% of Supply)

    The King’s Mother

    16 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 16 NFT eBooks
    (10.53% of Supply)

    The Heartbreaker

    15 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 15 NFT eBooks
    (9.87% of Supply)

    The Armor of Versailles

    14 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 14 NFT eBooks
    (9.21% of Supply)

    The King’s Crown

    12 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 12 NFT eBooks
    (7.89% of Supply)

    Raoul’s Love

    10 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 10 NFT eBooks
    (6.58% of Supply)

    The Iron Mask

    8 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 8 NFT eBooks
    (5.26% of Supply)


    Publisher :

    Series: Adventure, Multi-Chain

    First Publication Date : 1847

    Author : Alexandre Dumas

    Word Count : 140,530

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Ethereum Retail Price : .03 ETH

    Purchase Limit: 2

    Ethereum Contract Address : 0x59d03AF8c453759A80fEE7f96d413495B3e645cD

    Author Info

    Alexandre Dumas

    From Wikipedia: Alexandre Dumas (24 July 1802 – 5 December 1870), born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, was a French novelist and playwright.
    His works have been translated into many languages and he is one of the most widely read French authors. Many of his historical novels of adventure were originally published as serials, including The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, Twenty Years After and The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later. Since the early 20th century, his novels have … Read More
