The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Audiobook

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    In the shadowy town of Sleepy Hollow, where whispers of the supernatural haunt every corner, a dark legend stirs fear and fascination. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving unfolds in this eerie setting, a place defined by ghostly apparitions and lingering superstitions.


    The story centers on Ichabod Crane, a lanky and superstitious schoolteacher who arrives in Sleepy Hollow, drawn by both the charms of the beautiful Katrina Van Tassel and the wealth of her father’s estate. Ichabod’s ambition and romantic aspirations, however, soon lead him into a rivalry with the local hero, Brom Bones. Brom, bold and boisterous, sees Ichabod as a threat and uses the eerie folklore of Sleepy Hollow to his advantage, playing on Ichabod’s fears and escalating tensions in the small, mysterious town.

    As Ichabod’s rivalry with Brom intensifies, so do the legends surrounding Sleepy Hollow, culminating in the terrifying encounter with the Headless Horseman. Irving masterfully blends humor with horror, weaving a tale of ambition, love, and superstition that captures early American folk traditions. Through vivid descriptions and haunting atmosphere, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow transports readers into a timeless, ghostly narrative that has become a foundational piece of American Gothic literature.

    Numbered Audiobooks: 517

    Number of Unique Covers: 108

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 42

    The Hollow

    14 Unique Designs
    x 11 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 154 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 363 - 516
    (29.79% of Supply)

    Ichabod Crane

    13 Unique Designs
    x 9 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 117 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 246 - 362
    (22.63% of Supply)

    The Settlement

    12 Unique Designs
    x 7 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 84 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 162 - 245
    (16.25% of Supply)

    The Local Hero

    10 Unique Designs
    x 6 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 60 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 102 - 161
    (11.61% of Supply)

    Katrina Van Tassel

    9 Unique Designs
    x 4 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 36 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 66 - 101
    (6.96% of Supply)

    The Seasons

    8 Unique Designs
    x 3 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 24 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 42 - 65
    (4.64% of Supply)

    The Pumpkin Head

    13 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 13 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 29 - 41
    (2.51% of Supply)

    The Hessian Soldier

    12 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 12 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 17 - 28
    (2.32% of Supply)

    The Flirt

    9 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 9 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 8 - 16
    (1.74% of Supply)

    The Headless Horseman

    8 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 8 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 0 - 7
    (1.55% of Supply)


    Publisher :

    Series : Monster Audiobooks

    First Publication Date : 1820

    Author : Washington Irving

    Narrator : Bob Neufeld

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Author Info

    Washington Irving

    From Wikipedia: Washington Irving (April 3, 1783 – November 28, 1859) was an American short-story writer, essayist, biographer, historian, and diplomat of the early 19th century. He wrote the short stories "Rip Van Winkle" (1819) and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (1820), both of which appear in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. His historical works include biographies of Oliver Goldsmith, Muhammad, and George Washington, as well as several histories of 15th-century Spain… Read More
