The Devil is an Ass

    Series : Flash Mint
    69 ADA / 25 ADA*
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    In a witty and provocative exploration of morality and human folly, The Devil is an Ass by Ben Jonson invites readers into a world where vice and virtue clash, revealing the absurdities of societal norms and the complexities of human nature. This satirical comedy, first performed in 1616, cleverly intertwines themes of ambition, deception, and the supernatural, challenging audiences to reflect on the true nature of good and evil.


    The play follows the mischievous character of Puck, who embodies the devilish spirit and serves as a catalyst for chaos among the characters. Puck’s antics lead a group of foolish and ambitious men, including the vain and self-serving politicians, into a whirlwind of deception and mischief. Jonson uses sharp humor and biting satire to critique the moral failings of society, presenting characters who are often blind to their own flaws. Through their misguided pursuits and foolish decisions, he paints a vivid portrait of humanity’s endless struggle between ambition and ethics.

    As the story unfolds, the lines between reality and illusion blur, revealing the absurdity of the characters’ aspirations and the often ludicrous consequences of their actions. Jonson’s clever dialogue and rich characterizations captivate audiences, ensuring that The Devil is an Ass remains a timeless commentary on human behavior and societal expectations. With its blend of comedy, satire, and moral inquiry, the play encourages readers to consider the true nature of evil and the complexities of the human condition.

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    Number of Unique Covers: 105

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 50

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    = 12 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 11 - 22
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    The Devil

    11 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 11 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 - 10
    (2.62% of Supply)


    Publisher :

    Series : Flash Mint

    First Publication Date : 1631

    Author : Ben Jonson

    Word Count : 15,000

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Cardano Retail Price : 69 ADA

    Cardano Discount Price : 25 ADA, for wallet holding My Lady Nicotine

    Purchase Limit: 6

    Cardano Policy ID : b12203065cf2745451dfc3373088b36900188178e9c0486dc827ae57

    Author Info

    Ben Jonson

    Ben Jonson (1572–1637) emerged as a prominent English playwright, poet, and actor, earning widespread recognition as one of the greatest writers of the early modern period. Born in Westminster, London, he exhibited a flair for language and drama from a young age, and he later established himself as a leading figure in English theater. Jonson’s sharp wit and keen observations of society made his works memorable, as he often infused his plays with satirical commentary on the politics, customs,… Read More
