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opensea.ioSold Out - Available On:“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is a novel written by Mark Twain, first published in 1884. It is often considered one of the greatest works of American literature and has been widely studied and celebrated for its themes, characters, and social commentary.
The story is set in the pre-Civil War era along the Mississippi River and follows the adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a young boy and the narrator of the story. Huckleberry Finn is the son of an abusive alcoholic and has been taken in by Widow Douglas, a kind-hearted woman who attempts to civilize him. However, Huckleberry Finn prefers his carefree life and resents the attempts to conform him to societal norms.
From Wikipedia: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel by American author Mark Twain, which was first published in the United Kingdom in December 1884 and in the United States in February 1885.
Commonly named among the Great American Novels, the work is among the first in major American literature to be written throughout in vernacular English, characterized by local color regionalism. It is told in the first person by Huckleberry “Huck” Finn, the narrator of two other Twain novels (Tom Sawyer Abroad and Tom Sawyer, Detective) and a friend of Tom Sawyer. It is a direct sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
The book is noted for “changing the course of children’s literature” in the United States for the “deeply felt portrayal of boyhood”. It is also known for its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River. Set in a Southern antebellum society that had ceased to exist over 20 years before the work was published, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an often scathing satire on entrenched attitudes, particularly racism and freedom.
Perennially popular with readers, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has also been the continued object of study by literary critics since its publication. The book was widely criticized upon release because of its extensive use of coarse language and racial epithet. Throughout the 20th century, and despite arguments that the protagonist and the tenor of the book are anti-racist, criticism of the book continued due to both its perceived use of racial stereotypes and its frequent use of the racial slur “nigger”.
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eBook Numbers 192 - 255
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eBook Numbers 86 - 122
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eBook Numbers 51 - 85
(4.70% of Supply)
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eBook Numbers 27 - 50
(3.22% of Supply)
16 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 11 - 26
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eBook Numbers 0 - 10
(1.48% of Supply)
Numbered eBooks: 100
Number of Unique Covers: 100
Number of 1:1 Covers: 100
19 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 81 - 99
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eBook Numbers 63 - 80
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eBook Numbers 47 - 62
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eBook Numbers 32 - 46
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Policy ID: 0x9eB405543c42163cf574452151Ce4BB8DB0a74DA
Numbered eBooks: 152
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eBook Numbers 126 - 151
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eBook Numbers 91 - 107
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eBook Numbers 75 - 90
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eBook Numbers 60 - 74
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eBook Numbers 46 - 59
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13 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 33 - 45
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12 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 21 - 32
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11 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 10 - 20
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10 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 0 - 9
(6.58% of Supply)
Policy ID: 0x735010DBEAaC3d9E490aec49485793928d15e0F4
Publisher :
Series: Banned, Multi-Chain
First Publication Date : 1884
Author : Mark Twain
Word Count : 109,571
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 79 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 59 ADA, #OGBookClub
Purchase Limit: 5
Cardano Policy ID : 4a67af6166a185dd1208153a03db338c1eeca415774a91cbdbbd2bdf
Ethereum Retail Price : .03 ETH
Purchase Limit: 5
Ethereum Contract Address : 0x9eB405543c42163cf574452151Ce4BB8DB0a74DA
Polygon Retail Price : 20 MATIC
Purchase Limit: 5
Polygon Contract Address : 0x735010DBEAaC3d9E490aec49485793928d15e0F4
From Wikipedia: Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), best known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer. He was praised as the "greatest humorist the United States has produced", and William Faulkner called him "the father of American literature". His novels include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), the latter of which has often been called the "Great A… Read More
Mark Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” first published in 1884, is a cornerstone of American literature that explores themes of freedom, friendship, and moral growth through the journey of a young boy named Huck Finn. Escaping from his abusive father, Huck embarks on a raft journey down the Mississippi River, accompanied by Jim, a runaway slave seeking freedom. Their adventures and encounters with various characters reveal the social and racial injustices of the pre-Civ… Read More
Mark Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” first published in 1884, is a cornerstone of American literature that explores themes of freedom, friendship, and moral growth through the journey of a young boy named Huck Finn. Escaping from his abusive father, Huck embarks on a raft journey down the Mississippi River, accompanied by Jim, a runaway slave seeking freedom. Their adventures and encounters with various characters reveal the social and racial injustices of the pre-Civ… Read More
In Mark Twain’s timeless novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” readers are thrust into the lively world of a mischievous young boy named Tom Sawyer. Set in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, along the banks of the Mississippi River, the story unfolds as Tom embarks on a series of daring escapades and thrilling adventures. From whitewashing a fence to searching for buried treasure, Tom’s exploits captivate readers and offer a glimpse into the carefree days of … Read More
“A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” is a novel written by American author Mark Twain. It was first published in 1889. The novel is a satirical work that combines elements of science fiction, time travel, and social commentary.
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