Taylor Swift and Philosophy: Essays from the Tortured Philosophers Department is a unique exploration of the philosophical themes present in Taylor Swift’s life and music. Edited by Catherine M. Robb and Georgie Mills, this collection features twenty-seven chapters written by philosophers and scholars who are also fans of Swift. The essays delve into various philosophical questions inspired by Swift’s work, such as the ethics of reputational damage, the impacts of first impressions, and the moral obligation to speak out against injustice. The book is designed to be accessible to general readers, requiring no prior expertise in philosophy or deep familiarity with Swift’s discography. It’s an engaging read for both Swift enthusiasts and those interested in contemporary philosophical discussions.
“Taylor Swift and Philosophy: Essays from the Tortured Philosophers Department” is a unique exploration of the philosophical themes present in Taylor Swift’s life and music. Edited by Catherine M. Robb and Georgie Mills, this collection features twenty-seven chapters written by philosophers and scholars who are also fans of Swift. The essays delve into various philosophical questions inspired by Swift’s work, such as the ethics of reputational damage, the impacts of first impressions, and the moral obligation to speak out against injustice. The book is designed to be accessible to general readers, requiring no prior expertise in philosophy or deep familiarity with Swift’s discography. It’s an engaging read for both Swift enthusiasts and those interested in contemporary philosophical discussions.
Numbered eBooks: 300
Number of Unique Covers: 1
Number of 1:1 Covers: 0
1 Unique Designs
x 300 Numbered eBooks
= 300 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 000 - 299
(100.00% of Supply)
Publisher : Wiley
First Publication Date : August 28, 2024
Authors: Catherine M. Robb, Georgie Mills
Word Count : 70,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Policy ID : f967e7e85b43a4ca0fce7bdb9c5f4b7a208778204c32cb8c7cc7682d