The tragedy of gun violence is depicted in annotated illustrations that illuminate a society gone hamn; from legendary hip-hop artist Chuck D (Public Enemy, Prophets of Rage, etc.)
This book is the follow-up to STEWdio the debut trilogy on Chuck D’s Enemy Books imprint, in which he invented a new medium—the “naphic grovel”—a bound journal brimming with his observations and reflections of current events in both art and prose. Summer of Hamn is the second release on the imprint.
In Summer of Hamn, legendary hip-hop artist Chuck D takes on gun violence with rhythmic, inventive writing and passionately raw art. He has long spoken out against gun violence, including how it intersects with rap and hip-hop culture. Summer of Hamn is the bound journal Chuck D carried with him in the summer of 2022—a summer marked by a particularly high rate of gun death.
In these pages, victims are memorialized, politicians are skewered, and vehement pleas to eradicate gun violence are made. Jaw-dropping statistics (40% of all personal guns in the world are owned by US citizens; there are 100 million more guns in the US than there are citizens) intersect with poetic reflections (“Another mall shooting seems normalized in Columbus / Raining outside in Ohio / Raining inside folks panic / Inside hearing shots bust”), all written in Chuck’s hand over vibrant, utterly original, neoexpressionist ink and watercolor art.
Numbered eBooks: 300
Number of Unique Covers: 185
Number of 1:1 Covers: 113
43 Unique Designs
x 3 Numbered eBooks
= 129 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 171-299
(43.00% of Supply)
29 Unique Designs
x 2 Numbered eBooks
= 58 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 113-170
(19.33% of Supply)
113 Unique Designs
x 1 Numbered eBooks
= 113 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 000-112
(37.67% of Supply)
Publisher : Akashic Books, Ltd
Series : Pop Culture
First Publication Date : 2023
Author : Chuck D
Word Count : 120,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 55 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 43 ADA, For wallets holding STEWdio (Cardano)
Purchase Limit: 4
Cardano Policy ID : 4576318da9b10a22cbd645f3f3c710d10049419467755afbef7b8953
Chuck D is the leader and co-founder of the legendary rap group Public Enemy, a social activist, multimedia producer, visual artist, and digital music pioneer. He has been featured in more than one hundred documentaries on music, technology, politics, and race, and cocurated the Smithsonian Anthology of Hip-Hop and Rap. He has also been a national spokesperson for Rock the Vote, the National Urban League, Americans for the Arts, and the National Alliance of African American Athletes. As part of … Read More
Chuck D, Akashic Books, and are excited to offer the first eBook and Physical book bundle. With this full eBook, you will also be purchasing a physical box set of STEWdio. Of the physical books, 30 percent will feature Chuck D’s authentic signature. Readers will find out if they are the lucky recipients of these distinctive box sets when they acquire the digital book.
How it Works:
1. Mint this DEA eBook. If you received an eBook numbered between 000 – 179, you got a 1:1 digital cove… Read More