A first-hand look at the extraordinary collapse of FTX, Alameda Research, and Sam Bankman-Fried
In SBF: How the FTX Bankruptcy Unwound Crypto’s Very Bad Good Guy, accomplished crypto reporter Brady Dale presents an engrossing take on the spectacular and sudden implosion of FTX, Alameda Research, and their associated companies, as well as the criminal indictments of Sam Bankman-Fried and several of his associates.
In the book, you’ll go beyond the salacious details and tawdry gossip to grasp the real lessons to be learned from one of the most dramatic corporate failures in living memory.
The author explores:
An extraordinary account of almost unimaginable wealth, greed, and hubris, SBF is a can’t-miss account of a fascinating corporate tragedy that continues to unfold to this very day.
Numbered eBooks: 500
Number of Unique Covers: 99
Number of 1:1 Covers: 49
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eBook Numbers 270 – 499
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eBook Numbers 126 – 269
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Policy ID: 0x615912e70E2465A7a7C149bcD9A4b24aE39cEd04
Publisher : Wiley
Series : Living Author
First Publication Date : May 2023
Author : Brady Dale
Word Count : 175,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Polygon Retail Price : 24 MATIC
Purchase Limit: 5
Polygon Contract Address : 0x615912e70E2465A7a7C149bcD9A4b24aE39cEd04
Brady Dale is a long time reporter covering technology and cryptocurrency. He grew up in Kansas and lives in New York City. Read More