
    Vampires in America Series: Book 1

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    Malibu, California—home to rock-and-roll gods and movie stars, the beautiful, the rich . . . and vampires.


    Powerful and charismatic, Raphael is a Vampire Lord, one of the few who hold the power of life and death over every vampire in existence. Thousands call him Master and have pledged absolute loyalty on their very lives. But when, in a brazen and deadly daylight attack, a gang of human killers kidnaps the one female vampire he’d give his life for, Raphael turns to a human investigator to find his enemies before it’s too late.

    Cynthia Leighton is smart, tough, and sexy—a private investigator and former cop who’s tired of spying on cheating spouses and digging out old bank accounts. When Raphael asks for her help in tracking down the kidnappers, Cyn’s happy to accept. But she soon realizes her greatest danger comes not from the humans, but from Raphael himself.

    Battling Russian mobsters and treacherous vampires and betrayed by those they trusted, Cyn and Raphael find themselves fighting for their lives while caught up in a passion of blood and violence that is destined to destroy them both.

    Numbered eBooks: 300

    Number of Unique Covers: 1

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 0


    1 Unique Designs
    x 300 Numbered eBooks
    = 300 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 - 299
    (100.00% of Supply)


    Publisher : ImaJinn Books

    First Publication Date : 2010

    Author : D. B. Reynolds

    Word Count : 115,000

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : Book.io eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Cardano Retail Price : 8 ADA

    Purchase Limit: Unlimited

    Cardano Policy ID : 271ab38fca942e05d9066a9026d2ca2c20b6769f95cab71b2622182c

    Author Info

    D. B. Reynolds

    D. B. Reynolds is the RT and EPIC award-winning author of the popular Vampires in America series, as well as other paranormal fiction. She lives in a flammable canyon near Los Angeles, and when she's not writing her own books, she can usually be found reading someone else's. Read More
