Sold Out - Available On:“Nonsenseorship” is a provocative exploration of censorship’s impact on society. Putnam delves into the absurdities of censorship, arguing for the vital importance of free expression. Through vivid examples and persuasive arguments, he challenges readers to reconsider the role of censorship in stifling creativity and intellectual freedom.
In “Nonsenseorship,” Putnam navigates through various historical and contemporary examples of censorship, shedding light on its insidious impact on creativity, innovation, and intellectual freedom. Through engaging anecdotes and insightful analysis, he challenges readers to reconsider their assumptions about the role of censorship in shaping public discourse and cultural norms. By advocating for a more inclusive and democratic approach to communication, Putnam empowers readers to resist censorship in all its forms and uphold the fundamental right to free speech.
Numbered eBooks: 420
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Publisher :
Series : Flash Mint
First Publication Date : 1922
Author : George P. Putnam
Word Count : 20,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 99 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 69 ADA, for wallet holding The Golden Ass
Purchase Limit: 2
Cardano Policy ID : 56938bfccb53fc11635b2a758e5511953ce7c06db7e93aaca73e3059
George P. Putnam (1887-1950), a prominent figure in the realm of free speech advocacy, leaves an indelible mark with his work "Nonsenseorship." With eloquence and conviction, Putnam champions the fundamental right to free speech, arguing against the arbitrary restrictions imposed by authorities. His passionate advocacy for open dialogue and unfettered expression inspires readers to resist censorship and uphold the principles of intellectual freedom.
Putnam's legacy as a champion of free express… Read More