Three weeks on the Oklahoma Best Sellers list!
Three first place awards at The BookFest® in Women’s Historical Fiction, 20th Century Historical Romance, and Women’s Historical Romance!
In May 1941, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, hums with talk of spring flowers, fishing derbies, and the growing war in Europe. And for the Blackwell sisters, who reside in a quiet neighborhood boarding house, the winds of change are blowing.
Bessie Blackwell, copy room manager at Phillips Petroleum and faithful churchgoer, is the reluctant owner of a new pair of glasses. The young women in the office swear by Bessie’s romantic advice, even though she’s a self-proclaimed spinster. Frank Davis, Henderson House’s newest tenant, throws that status into question with his gentle eyes and ready smile. But the scar on his forehead and rumors of divorce speak of a troubled past.
Bessie’s sister, Florence, a sales assistant at the men’s clothing store downtown, knows all about troubled pasts. Her husband is dead, and it’s only with her sister’s help that she’s able to raise Johnny. Life at Henderson House is luxurious compared to growing up in Cherokee Indian Territory, but Florence wants more for her boy than a rented room. When the flagship store in Tulsa offers her a management position, Florence sets her sights on the future and keeping the family together. And neither future nor family includes Frank Davis.
Mrs. Henderson, the landlady, cook, and adopted matriarch of the Blackwell clan, possesses an uncanny intuition about all her boarders. She knows true love when she sees it. But soon even her vision becomes clouded as Florence schemes to undermine her sister’s budding romance. In a desperate attempt to keep Bessie by her side, Florence exposes the sisters’ darkest secret. A secret that will change their lives, and the lives of those they love, forever.
Numbered Audiobooks: 300
Number of Unique Covers: 1
Number of 1:1 Covers: 0
1 Unique Designs
x 300 Numbered Audiobooks
= 300 NFT Audiobooks
Audiobook Numbers 0 - 299
(100.00% of Supply)
Publisher : John Marshall Media
First Publication Date : 2023
Author : Caren Simpson McVicker
Narrator : Jenn Lee
Duration : 13h 24m 08s
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 57 ADA
Cardano Policy ID : f7179f29393ecf871f999f8d1b9c9c2e07fb0c5a37f2205b2963a8b2
Caren Simpson McVicker was born in Oklahoma. Caren lives in Vermont with her husband, a rescue pup, and a barn cat turned happy house kitty. Caren is also a mom to two incredible humans and is an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation. Winner of the Inkshares 2020 All-Genre Contest, Henderson House is Caren's first novel. Read More