Sold Out - Available On: is about doing what you want and doing it your own way. It’s the antithesis of gatekeeper culture; and it’s the only path forward for the creator economy.In #DIY, writer Joan Westenberg (The DAO Joan Index) offers advice for indie creators in the web3 era, through ideas, anecdotes, and essays.
#DIY is a book about doing what you want and doing it your own way. It’s the antithesis of gatekeeper culture and the harbinger of a creator economy in which we all own our work, without reliance on a centralized company. This book offers advice for indie creators, including practical accessibility information, through ideas, anecdotes, interviews, and essays. It’s an ode to creativity and an encouragement to self-expression. #DIY empowers us all.
Author The DAO Joan Index (Joan Westenberg) is a technology journalist, writer, and creative director. She founded a digital studio called Self, and a technology firm, Von Media, which she currently runs alongside MODA DAO -an organization that is rewriting music for creators and fans alike. Joan has been named one of the leading technology voices by Smart Company and was listed among the 100 Top Innovators by The Australian.
Her writinghas been published in CoinTelegraph, The Next Web, The SF Chronicle, Wired, The AFR, The Observer, ABC, Junkee Media, SBS Australia TV network & Crikey, among others. Her regular work can be found on Substack, sharing notes on Web3 and the metaverse.
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Series : Living Author
First Publication Date : 2022
Author : Joan Westenberg
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 55 ADA
Purchase Limit: 5
Cardano Policy ID : a31b028a2b4698adadf0d83c10691d5ca5188166fba9c447efb406fe
Author The DAO Joan Index (Joan Westenberg) is a technology journalist, writer, and creative director. She founded a digital studio called Self, and a technology firm, Von Media, which she currently runs alongside MODA DAO -an organization that is rewriting music for creators and fans alike. Joan has been named one of the leading technology voices by Smart Company and was listed among the 100 Top Innovators by The Australian.
Her writing has been published in CoinTelegraph, The Next… Read More