Sold Out - Available On:“David Copperfield” is a classic novel written by Charles Dickens. It was first published as a serial between 1849 and 1850 and later released as a complete novel in 1850. The story is widely regarded as one of Dickens’s most autobiographical works, drawing on elements of his own life.
The novel is celebrated for its rich characterizations, intricate plot, and Dickens’s masterful storytelling. The novel has been adapted into numerous films, television series, and stage productions over the years.
From Wikipedia: “David Copperfield” is a novel in the bildungsroman genre by Charles Dickens, narrated by the eponymous David Copperfield, detailing his adventures in his journey from infancy to maturity.
“David Copperfield” is also an autobiographical novel: “a very complicated weaving of truth and invention”, with events following Dickens’s own life. Of the books he wrote, it was his favourite. Called “the triumph of the art of Dickens”,it marks a turning point in his work, separating the novels of youth and those of maturity.
At first glance, the work is modeled on 18th-century “personal histories” that were very popular, like Henry Fielding’s Joseph Andrews or Tom Jones, but “David Copperfield” is a more carefully structured work. It begins, like other novels by Dickens, with a bleak picture of childhood in Victorian England, followed by young Copperfield’s slow social ascent, as he painfully provides for his aunt, while continuing his studies.
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Publisher :
Series : Dickens
First Publication Date : 1850
Author : Charles Dickens
Word Count : 368,017
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 139 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 49 ADA, wallet must have all Dickens books and The Gutenberg Bible
Purchase Limit: 2
Cardano Policy ID : eff3548f075e3208acb2dc05718e8fb47dc1cbed5a9804e1b74dc81f
Charles Dickens (1812–1870) remains one of the most celebrated English novelists, renowned for his vivid storytelling and unforgettable characters. Born in Portsmouth, England, Dickens experienced a challenging childhood marked by financial instability. His father’s imprisonment for debt forced young Charles to work in a factory, an experience that deeply influenced his later writings. Through determination and talent, Dickens found success as a writer, captivating readers with serialized no… Read More
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Oliver Twist is a novel by Charles Dickens, first published in serial form between 1837 and 1839. It is a social critique wrapped in a compelling narrative about the life of a young orphan named Oliver Twist. The story explores themes of poverty, child labor, crime, and the struggle between good and evil in Victorian England.
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“A Christmas Carol” is a novella written by Charles Dickens in 1843. It tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a wealthy but miserly old man who hates Christmas and everything about it. On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by three ghosts – the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come – who show him the error of his ways and help him to see the true meaning of Christmas
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Oliver Twist, first released as a novel by Charles Dickens in 1838, is a classical story that has been adapted for stage and screen for generations. Inspired partially by Dicken’s own youth and the plight of many unfortunate children, the story follows Oliver Twist as he escapes from a “Child Farm” (orphanage) and makes his way to London. Oliver does whatever it takes to survive in this un-romanticized peak into impoverished 1830s London.
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A Tale of Two Cities” is a novel by Charles Dickens set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The story follows the lives of Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton, two men who are alike in many ways but come from very different social classes. Darnay is a French aristocrat who is falsely accused of treason, while Carton is a drunken lawyer who is in love with Darnay’s wife. The novel explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the consequences of the revolution. It is one of Di… Read More
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