When Army Ranger Logan Montgomery returns to his family’s ranch in western Montana to mourn the loss of his father, he discovers that his best friend had a little girl as a result of their lovemaking the night before he left to join the service. He sets out to prove himself to her-that he’s come home to stay.
Deputy Sheriff Kendall Grant has worked hard to build a stable life for her young daughter, Marissa. When Logan discovers he’s Marissa’s father, Kendall refuses to believe he intends to become a doting daddy. She’s convinced he’ll grow bored with small-town life and re-enlist. More than anything, she’s afraid this time he’ll shatter both her heart and Marissa’s. How can she learn to trust that this time it’s forever?
Numbered eBooks: 300
Number of Unique Covers: 1
Number of 1:1 Covers: 0
1 Unique Designs
x 300 Numbered eBooks
= 300 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 - 299
(100.00% of Supply)
Publisher : Bell Bridge Books
First Publication Date : 2014
Author : Pam Mantovani
Word Count : 100,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 13 ADA
Purchase Limit: Unlimited
Cardano Policy ID : 3f6d6a71d2ef8dfd157463e57e0efe887aeaaf4b9c3b93ba56cff0c7
As an Army Brat, frequent moves often meant Pam had to leave friends behind. But no matter where she lived, romance novels were her constant companions. Then she met the man of her dreams on a blind date and after she married her hero, Pam started writing her own love stories.
Now she has more friends, imaginary and real-life, than she can count. She's still happily married to the man who swept her off her feet and gave her the romance of a lifetime. She loves writing about strong women and men… Read More