Head to the kitchen to make your next psilocybin experience unforgettable
Magic mushrooms offer so many marvels, from transformative healing to excitement. One thing they are not known for is flavor. David Connell’s quest to make psilocybin palatable led him to develop recipes that integrate small, measured quantities of shrooms into tasty food and drink.
Stop gnawing on bitter, fibrous stalks and begin your journey with a calming, pleasant snack or sip. These healthy, delicious recipes are lactose-free, with gluten-free substitutions throughout, and have no added sugars. Photographs and illustrations will inspire your explorations of food, fungi, and consciousness.
Numbered eBooks: 300
Number of Unique Covers: 110
Number of 1:1 Covers: 50
14 Unique Designs
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= 84 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 216 - 299
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eBook Numbers 151 - 215
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12 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 21 - 34
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12 Unique Designs
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9 Unique Designs
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Policy ID: 3d51f3ed4983c43ed76ffb086236fe23247b8279871205b94f42e2b5
Publisher : Microcosm Pub
First Publication Date : 2024
Author : David Connell
Word Count : 65,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : Book.io eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 56 ADA
Cardano Policy ID : 3d51f3ed4983c43ed76ffb086236fe23247b8279871205b94f42e2b5
David Connell is a U.S. Air Force Veteran, science writer, and editor with nearly a decade of experience in the psychedelic space. During the course of his decade of military service, David deployed to four continents and served multiple tours in Africa, Afghanistan, and the Middle East. After his service, David found himself swimming in a sea of VA-prescribed anti-depressants while trying to cope with depression and PTSD. Unable to find relief, he began exploring psychedelics as an alternative … Read More