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jpg.storeThe Simpsons Merchandise Guide for all Simpsons Lovers.
This quirky book unleashes the entire story of all Simpsons merchandise, spanning decades. Lydia and James Hicks, authors of the bestselling The Simpsons Secret, partner with Warren Evans, the Bart of Darkness, to detail a massive collection of rare Simpsons memorabilia.
Jump right into 90s nostalgia! Simpsons lovers everywhere, explore the explosion of Simpsons merchandise and products right in the comfort of your own home. From action figures, video games, comics, lunch boxes, and yes, even cookie jars, this book is a collector’s paradise full of insightful information.
The perfect collector’s item to have! This full-color guide features high quality photos of Simpsons-inspired products and is the perfect gift for Simpsons lovers as well as fans of Friends, Family Guy, and other classics!
If you’re looking for one of the best books for TV nerds who like The Big Bang Theory, Welcome to Dunder Mifflin, or The Simpsons Secret, then Collecting the Simpsons belongs right on your bookshelf!
Numbered eBooks: 500
Number of Unique Covers: 1
Number of 1:1 Covers: 0
1 Unique Designs
x 500 Numbered eBooks
= 500 NFT eBooks
(100.00% of Supply)
Publisher : Mango
Series : Pop Culture
First Publication Date : December 2023
Authors: James Hicks, Lydia Hicks, Warren Evans
Word Count : 170,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 69 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 32 ADA, for wallet holding The Simpsons Secret
Purchase Limit: 2
Cardano Policy ID : 11fb60cbc42fc2012327d82309fe0c5cb39e5b2e83a83a9272d2faad
James Hicks holds a Bachelor of Arts in Media Production from the University of Lincoln. He is an avid film lover, and an insatiable reader. James is the co-creator of The Simpsons Theory YouTube channel and author of The Simpsons Secret: A Cromulent Guide to How The Simpsons Predicted Everything! Read More
Have You Ever Wondered How “The Simpsons” Predict the Future?
Then, The Simpsons Secret is the book for you. Delve into some of the biggest predictions that came true on the show, and just how the Simpsons predict the future.
500 sequentially numbered eBooks
Single Cover Design
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Lydia Hicks also known as Lydia Poulteney holds a Bachelor of Arts in Film Theory and Practice from the University of Kent. As a former Air Hostess, Lydia has traveled the world, exploring new countries as well as well as meeting some pretty crazy characters, from the royal family to Elvis impersonators in Las Vegas... but unfortunately no one as eclectic as the Simpsonians of Springfield, as it seems the planes just couldn't decide whether or not to land in Springfield Massachusetts or Springfi… Read More
Have You Ever Wondered How “The Simpsons” Predict the Future?
Then, The Simpsons Secret is the book for you. Delve into some of the biggest predictions that came true on the show, and just how the Simpsons predict the future.
500 sequentially numbered eBooks
Single Cover Design
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Warren Evans, collector of Simpsons stuff and the host of @simpsonsisgreaterthan podcast, where he talks about the cultural impact of The Simpsons. The podcast features interviews with people who worked on the show, as well as people who love the show, and even the occasional deep dive on some of your favorite episodes.
Follow Warren Evans on Instagram @bartofdarkness Read More