Sold Out - Available On:“Cleopatra” by H. Rider Haggard is a historical novel published in 1889. Set in the ancient world, it blends historical facts with Haggard’s flair for adventure and romance. The story follows Harmachis, a young Egyptian prince destined to overthrow the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty and restore native rule to Egypt. His journey is fraught with danger and intrigue as he navigates the treacherous political landscape of ancient Egypt, where alliances shift like sand dunes in the desert.
As Harmachis’s path intertwines with that of the mesmerizing Queen Cleopatra, the novel delves into the depths of their complex relationship. Cleopatra emerges as a multifaceted character, possessing both cunning political acumen and irresistible allure. Their encounter ignites a volatile mix of tension and passion, crafting a gripping narrative infused with themes of love, betrayal, and ambition amidst the backdrop of a civilization on the verge of collapse.
Through Haggard’s masterful storytelling, “Cleopatra” not only offers a thrilling adventure but also provides a vivid portrayal of ancient Egyptian society and its tumultuous political landscape. With its richly drawn characters and gripping narrative, this historical novel immerses readers in a world of opulence, intrigue, and danger, ensuring that “Cleopatra” remains a timeless classic of historical fiction.
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Publisher :
Series : Misfits
First Publication Date : 1889
Author : H. Rider Haggard
Word Count : 130,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 29 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 19 ADA, for wallet holding Grimms' Fairy Tales
Purchase Limit: 2
Cardano Policy ID : 850458f4349ec52cfae6b0a2aebce71209a4ed0d527075eec87cf27e
H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925) emerges as a prominent figure in the world of literature, renowned for his adventurous and richly detailed novels. He captivates readers with his ability to blend historical settings with thrilling narratives, creating stories that transport audiences to different eras and lands. Born in Bradenham, Norfolk, England, Haggard's early experiences in South Africa profoundly influenced his writing, infusing his works with a sense of realism and authenticity that continues… Read More
King Solomon’s Mines is a classic adventure novel written by Sir H. Rider Haggard, an English author, and first published in 1885. The novel is set in Africa and follows the journey of three Englishmen, Allan Quatermain, Sir Henry Curtis, and Captain Good, as they search for the legendary mines of King Solomon, said to be filled with immense wealth.
The story is narrated by Allan Quatermain, a skilled hunter and adventurer, who is approached by Sir Henry Curtis and his friend Captain Good. The… Read More