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opensea.ioAesop’s Fables are a collection of ancient moral tales attributed to Aesop, a storyteller believed to have lived in ancient Greece around the 6th century BCE.
These fables have endured through the centuries and remain popular as a source of wisdom and moral lessons.
The fables are short stories, usually featuring animals as characters, who exhibit human-like qualities and behaviors. Each fable imparts a moral lesson or teaches a valuable principle about human nature, ethics, and societal behavior. The stories are often concise and end with a moral statement known as the “morale” or “moral of the story.”
Some well-known Aesop’s Fables include:
Aesop’s Fables have been translated into numerous languages and adapted in various forms of literature, theater, and other media throughout the centuries. They continue to be an influential and timeless resource for teaching moral lessons and ethical principles.
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eBook Numbers 227 - 272
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eBook Numbers 182 - 226
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eBook Numbers 140 - 181
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41 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 99 - 139
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36 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 63 - 98
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eBook Numbers 30 - 62
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eBook Numbers 0 - 29
(6.61% of Supply)
Numbered eBooks: 60
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Number of 1:1 Covers: 60
14 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 46-59
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eBook Numbers 34-45
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11 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 23-33
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eBook Numbers 13-22
(16.67% of Supply)
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eBook Numbers 6-12
(11.67% of Supply)
6 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 0-5
(10.00% of Supply)
Policy ID: 0xFB61A9d45C6F3CAd2B57E8A0C8f1Dc9164932A39
Numbered eBooks: 113
Number of Unique Covers: 113
Number of 1:1 Covers: 113
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eBook Numbers 90 - 112
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eBook Numbers 68 - 89
(19.47% of Supply)
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eBook Numbers 48 - 67
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eBook Numbers 30 - 47
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eBook Numbers 16 - 29
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eBook Numbers 6 - 15
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6 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 0 - 5
(5.31% of Supply)
Policy ID: 0x2dD206D244f0c9C337C7BC07E7e607FE3fd4c1F6
Publisher :
Series : Wildlife
First Publication Date : 1484
Author : Aesop
Word Count : 39,975
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 129 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 79 ADA, for wallet holding The Gutenberg Bible, The Swiss Family Robinson, and The Wind in the Willows
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Ethereum Retail Price : .02 ETH
Ethereum Discount Price : .005 ETH, for wallet holding Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - ETH
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Ethereum Contract Address : 0xFB61A9d45C6F3CAd2B57E8A0C8f1Dc9164932A39
Polygon Retail Price : 99 MATIC
Polygon Discount Price : 19 MATIC, for wallet holding The Art of War - POLY
Purchase Limit: 2
Polygon Contract Address : 0x2dD206D244f0c9C337C7BC07E7e607FE3fd4c1F6
Aesop was an ancient Greek storyteller and fabulist who is believed to have lived around the 6th century BCE. While historical details about his life are scarce, and some even question whether he was an actual historical figure or a literary creation, Aesop is famous for his collection of fables.
Aesop's fables have been translated into numerous languages and have been passed down through generations. They continue to be a significant part of world literature, illustrating moral principles in a… Read More