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jpg.storeIn E. M. Forster’s “A Room with a View,” readers are swept into a captivating tale of love, self-discovery, and societal conventions. Through Forster’s vivid prose, we follow the journey of Lucy Honeychurch, a young Englishwoman who embarks on a journey of personal growth and transformation during a trip to Italy. As Lucy navigates the complexities of Edwardian society and grapples with her own desires and aspirations, she finds herself torn between the expectations of her social class and the yearnings of her heart.
Set against the backdrop of picturesque Florence and the lush countryside of England, “A Room with a View” explores themes of freedom, individuality, and the clash between tradition and modernity. As Lucy confronts the dichotomy between societal expectations and personal fulfillment, Lucy embarks on a journey of self-discovery that ultimately leads her to embrace the transformative power of love.
Through Lucy’s journey, Forster invites readers to contemplate the timeless themes of love, identity, and the quest for meaning. With its richly drawn characters, evocative settings, and profound insights into the human condition, “A Room with a View” remains a cherished classic that continues to captivate and inspire readers worldwide.
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Publisher :
First Publication Date : 1908
Author : E. M. Forster
Word Count : 65,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 15 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 9 ADA, for wallet holding The Gutenberg Bible
Cardano Policy ID : e6f5dff5198a44f88bb910cef8008fbcb8da512fa901b3588eb3ea99
E. M. Forster (1879-1970), a prominent English novelist known for his insightful exploration of social conventions and personal relationships in Edwardian society. Born into a middle-class family in London, Forster developed a keen interest in literature from a young age. Throughout his prolific career, he crafted several acclaimed novels, including "A Room with a View," "Howards End," and "A Passage to India," each reflecting his nuanced understanding of human nature and the complexities of int… Read More