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jpg.storeThe Metal Monster is the seventh release in the Classics: Monster Editions. The Metal Monster is a fantasy novel first published in 1920. In this epic adventure, Dr. Goodwin, who is on a botanical expedition in the Himalayas, joins a group saved by a magnificent woman who commands metal animate Things, leading them to a hidden valley occupied by what they name “The Metal Monster.”
From Wikipedia: The Metal Monster is a fantasy novel by American writer Abraham Merritt. It was first serialized in Argosy All-Story Weekly in 1920 and features the return of Dr. Goodwin who first appeared in The Moon Pool.
The epic adventure starts with a foreword where Merritt is assigned the duty to relay Dr. Walter T. Goodwin’s incredible tale of his encounter in the Trans-Himalayan mountains to the world, to let everyone know the terrible fate Goodwin’s group barely escaped and the possibility of other such monsters out there.
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Publisher :
Series : Monster
First Publication Date : 1920
Author : Abraham Merritt
Word Count : 63,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 49 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 40 ADA, #OGBookClub
Cardano Policy ID : 5e6da79b681a2920d1dab60c991814a1775e497f53530b1a98414b9d
From Wikipedia: Abraham Grace Merritt (January 20, 1884 – August 21, 1943) – known by his byline, A. Merritt – was an American Sunday magazine editor and a writer of fantastic fiction.
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame inducted him in 1999, its fourth class of two deceased and two living writers.
His fiction, eight complete novels and a number of short stories, was only a sideline to his journalism career. One of the best-paid journalists of his era, Merritt made $25,000 per y… Read More
The Moon Pool by Abraham Merritt dives into the realms of science fiction and fantasy with a thrilling tale of ancient civilizations and mysterious powers. The story opens with Dr. Walter T. Goodwin embarking on an expedition to the South Seas, where he uncovers an ancient temple and its supernatural secret. Merritt crafts a narrative filled with atmospheric tension, introducing readers to an underground world where otherworldly forces rule.
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