The Were-Wolf

    Series : Monster 2.0
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    The Were-Wolf tells the haunting story of a mysterious, seductive woman named White Fell, who enters a remote village and soon reveals her deadly nature as a werewolf. The story explores themes of desire, duality, and sacrifice, examining the tension between human and animalistic impulses. Clemence Housman, one of the few female writers in Gothic literature of that time, infuses the novella with vivid symbolism and feminist undertones, making it a unique and intriguing read for fans of supernatural fiction.


    The Were-Wolf by Clemence Housman immerses readers in a chilling Gothic tale where supernatural horror meets psychological depth. The story centers on White Fell, a mysterious and alluring woman who arrives in a secluded village, captivating the villagers with her beauty and charm. However, White Fell conceals a terrifying secret—she is a werewolf. This dark revelation leads to a struggle of survival, with one villager, Christian, becoming the lone figure determined to confront her. Housman crafts a suspenseful and eerie atmosphere, exploring the primal instincts of her characters as they grapple with loyalty, fear, and the boundaries between human and beast.

    Housman’s narrative not only delivers a thrilling supernatural tale but also subtly critiques gender roles and societal norms. As one of the few female writers in the Gothic genre of her era, Housman skillfully uses White Fell’s character to challenge traditional representations of women in horror. Through potent symbolism and powerful storytelling, The Were-Wolf delves into themes of desire, duality, and sacrifice, making it a thought-provoking piece that goes beyond simple horror. Fans of supernatural literature will find this novella both engaging and enduring in its exploration of human nature and the shadowy forces lurking within.

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    Number of Unique Covers: 109

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 55

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    The Shape-Shifting White Fell

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    The Were-Wolf

    9 Unique Designs
    x 1 Numbered eBooks
    = 9 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 - 8
    (1.35% of Supply)


    Publisher :

    Series : Monster 2.0

    First Publication Date : 1896

    Author : Clemence Housman

    Word Count : 14,000

    Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

    Read On : eReader dApp

    Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

    Author Info

    Clemence Housman

    Clemence Housman (1861–1955), an accomplished artist, writer, and feminist, played a significant role in the late Victorian literary scene. She grew up in a creative family alongside her brother Laurence Housman, also a writer, and her other brother, the famous poet A.E. Housman. Clemence studied at the prestigious South Kensington Art School, where she honed her skills as an illustrator and wood engraver. Throughout her career, she created illustrations for her own writings and for various li… Read More
