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jpg.storeGustave Flaubert’s “Madame Bovary” takes readers on a journey into the tumultuous life of Emma Bovary, a young woman trapped in the suffocating confines of bourgeois society in 19th-century France. As Emma grapples with the monotony of her provincial existence and yearns for a life of passion and excitement, she embarks on a series of ill-fated affairs and reckless pursuits in pursuit of her romantic ideals. Flaubert’s narrative skillfully depicts Emma’s descent into disillusionment and despair, as her reckless pursuit of happiness leads to tragic consequences for herself and those around her.
Through Flaubert’s masterful prose and keen insight into human nature, “Madame Bovary” offers a scathing critique of the hypocrisy and moral decay of French society in the 19th century. Emma’s relentless pursuit of an unattainable ideal exposes the emptiness of bourgeois life and the destructive power of unchecked desire. Flaubert’s exploration of themes such as love, ambition, and the pursuit of happiness resonates with readers of all ages, making “Madame Bovary” a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences around the world.
Published in 1856, “Madame Bovary” sparked controversy upon its release due to its frank portrayal of adultery and its critique of societal norms. Despite authorities charging Flaubert’s novel with obscenity, literary critics and scholars have hailed it as a masterpiece of literature and a groundbreaking work of realism. Through its nuanced portrayal of the human condition and its unflinching examination of the moral and social constraints of its time, “Madame Bovary” remains a powerful and enduring work of literature that continues to provoke thought and discussion to this day.
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Publisher :
Series : Banned Book-A-Day
First Publication Date : 1856
Author : Gustave Flaubert
Word Count : 120,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Retail Price : 39 ADA
Purchase Limit: 2
Cardano Policy ID : 1e0de885ec259508eee82895cd6a76fee87ab5a88ab355ffc1cead63
Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880), a French novelist known for his meticulous attention to detail and groundbreaking contributions to the literary movement of realism, showcased his literary talent from an early age. Flaubert's most celebrated work, "Madame Bovary," published in 1856, resonates for its incisive critique of bourgeois society and its probing exploration of human desire and disillusionment. Throughout his career, Flaubert maintained a rigorous artistic vision, relentlessly pursuing pr… Read More