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jpg.storeIn “Discourses,” Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher, shares timeless wisdom on ethics, personal development, and living a virtuous life. Drawing from his own experiences and observations, Epictetus offers practical advice on how to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and inner strength.
Through anecdotes and philosophical reflections, he emphasizes the importance of mastering one’s desires, cultivating self-discipline, and aligning one’s actions with reason and virtue.
Epictetus’s teachings in “Discourses” resonate with readers across generations, as they offer timeless insights into the human condition and the pursuit of eudaimonia, or flourishing. His emphasis on the power of the human will and the importance of maintaining inner tranquility amidst external circumstances continues to inspire individuals seeking guidance on how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. With clarity and eloquence, Epictetus invites readers to reflect on their values, priorities, and choices, encouraging them to strive for excellence and moral integrity in all aspects of life.
Numbered eBooks: 330
Number of Unique Covers: 102
Number of 1:1 Covers: 57
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eBook Numbers 200 - 329
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eBook Numbers 128 - 199
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eBook Numbers 84 - 127
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eBook Numbers 40 - 56
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eBook Numbers 28 - 39
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11 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 17 - 27
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10 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 7 - 16
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7 Unique Designs
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eBook Numbers 0 - 6
(2.12% of Supply)
Publisher :
Series : Con 2024
First Publication Date : 2nd C. AD
Author : Epictetus
Word Count : 120,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Policy ID : 56ae346bd50eab0caf1f00b25c64e87167d58632688a873cfb8bbcb3
Epictetus (c.50 - 135 AD), a prominent Stoic philosopher of the Roman period, imparted timeless wisdom through his teachings on ethics, resilience, and inner peace. Born in Hierapolis in 50 AD and later enslaved, he rose to prominence as a respected teacher in Rome, where he influenced countless individuals with his philosophical insights.
His most renowned work, the "Discourses," serves as a compendium of his lectures and discussions on Stoic philosophy, offering practical guidance on living a… Read More