Air Drop - Available On:“Candide” is a satirical novella written by the French philosopher and author Voltaire. Published in 1759, the work is a philosophical and humorous exploration of the optimism prevalent in the 18th century Enlightenment period.
The novella follows the adventures of a young man named Candide as he travels through various countries and experiences a series of unfortunate events, prompting him to question the philosophy of optimism that Pangloss, his tutor, had instilled in him.
“Candide” is known for its wit, humor, and biting social commentary. It is considered one of Voltaire’s masterpieces and is often studied for its social and philosophical commentary. The novella has remained influential and is celebrated for its timeless exploration of the human condition.
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Publisher :
Series: Banned, Banned Book-A-Day
First Publication Date : 1759
Author : Voltaire
Word Count : 35,000
Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)
Read On : eReader dApp
Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover
Cardano Policy ID : 42377fc6ce9fb7865f02f95afdc04831cfd8fc42e2c8b81e7694d4e7
Voltaire, whose real name was François-Marie Arouet, was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher. He was born on November 21, 1694, and died on May 30, 1778. Voltaire was a prolific writer and one of the key figures of the Enlightenment movement.
His works covered a wide range of subjects, including philosophy, literature, science, history, and social criticism.
Voltaire was known for his advocacy of civil liberties, freedom of expression, and… Read More