The 1960 film Little Shop of Horrors, directed by Roger Corman, is a darkly comedic cult classic that blends horror, absurdity, and satire. Set in a rundown flower shop in Los Angeles, the story revolves around Seymour Krelborn, a hapless and awkward florist’s assistant who discovers a strange and mysterious plant. He names it Audrey Jr. after his crush, Audrey, a kind but timid coworker. However, Audrey Jr. turns out to be a carnivorous, bloodthirsty creature that thrives on human flesh.
As the plant grows, so does its appetite, pushing Seymour to desperate measures to keep it fed. The film’s humor stems from its over-the-top characters, ridiculous situations, and morbid yet absurd twists. Featuring a mix of slapstick and dark comedy, the movie showcases a unique blend of low-budget ingenuity and sharp satire of consumerism and greed.
Notably, Little Shop of Horrors introduced audiences to a young Jack Nicholson in a small but memorable role as a masochistic dental patient. Despite its initial obscurity, the movie gained a loyal following and later inspired a successful stage musical and a 1986 film adaptation. Its quirky charm and offbeat humor have secured its place in cinematic history as a beloved cult favorite.
Protagonistas: Jonathan Haze, Jackie Joseph, Mel Welles, Dick Miller
Disponible en: Cardano (500 unidades)
Vídeos numerados: 500
Number of Unique Covers: 121
Number of 1:1 Covers: 68
13 diseños únicos
x 13 Vídeos numerados
= 169 NFT Videos
Video Numbers 331 - 499
(33.80% of Supply)
12 diseños únicos
x 10 vídeos numerados
= 120 NFT Videos
Video Numbers 211 - 330
(24.00% of Supply)
11 diseños únicos
x 6 Vídeos numerados
= 66 NFT Videos
Video Numbers 145 - 210
(13.20% of Supply)
9 diseños únicos
x 5 Vídeos numerados
= 45 NFT Videos
Video Numbers 100 - 144
(9.00% of Supply)
8 diseños únicos
x 4 Vídeos numerados
= 32 Vídeos NFT
Video Numbers 68 - 99
(6,40% de Suministro)
17 Unique Designs
x 1 Vídeos numerados
= 17 NFT Videos
Video Numbers 51 - 67
(3.40% of Supply)
15 diseños únicos
x 1 Vídeos numerados
= 15 Vídeos NFT
Video Numbers 36 - 50
(3,00% de Suministro)
14 diseños únicos
x 1 Vídeos numerados
= 14 NFT Videos
Video Numbers 22 - 35
(2.80% of Supply)
13 diseños únicos
x 1 Vídeos numerados
= 13 NFT Videos
Video Numbers 9 - 21
(2.60% of Supply)
9 diseños únicos
x 1 Vídeos numerados
= 9 Vídeos NFT
Video Numbers 0- 8
(1,80% de la oferta)