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    Morgan Kane #1

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    De la épica serie Morgan Kane de Louis Masterson, Without Mercy es un viaje salvaje y una apasionante introducción a un antihéroe fascinante.

    Este es el título Génesis de la serie Morgan Kane.

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    Morgan Kane:  Texas Ranger, unmatched gunslinger, cool poker hand, and hot-blooded lover of women.  At the tender age of 16, he avenged the murders of his parents.  Ever since, he’s lived by one code: kill or be killed. 

    Kane is unpredictable, impulsive, and reckless, but Major Monroe of the Rangers puts up with his drinking, his violence, and his erratic work ethic – because his skills as a gunman outweigh his vices. 

    Without Mercy begins with a poker game. Kane is a born gambler: he can’t resist a big pot. Con men lure him into a trap, using a ravishing seductress, Allison MacKay, as the bait. Her beauty proves too tempting.  Kane falls into her clutches.

    He’s shot, thrown from a train, and left for dead.  Big mistake.  As Kane himself said, “When you shoot a man, you better make sure he’s dead.”

    A star-shaped scar will forever mark his right hand, a scar to match the Ranger’s star he carries.  But that’s Kane’s gun hand.  The gun hand of a Ranger is the difference between life and death—are you faster than the man shooting at you?

    The stakes are high this time. 

    Kane is gambling with his life.

    Can he survive?

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    Editor : El Paso Verso

    Serie : El Paso Verso

    First Publication Date : 1966

    Autor : Louis Masterson

    Word Count : 37,466

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 79 ADA

    Límite de compra: 10

    Cardano Policy ID : 7529d8b9eede2ccfae5dd12f4c656c60482c8c09a40185b30fa408d3

    Información del autor

    Louis Masterson

    Louis Masterson (AKA: Kjell Hallbing), is a Norwegian author who between 1966-1985 wrote the hugely popular Morgan Kane series of western novels - a series of books about the fictitious Texas Ranger (later U.S. Marshal) Morgan Kane taking place in the 19th century. The 83 Morgan Kane books have so far sold more than 20 million copies worldwide. He has also written another nine-book series known as the Diablo- and Diablito books, also featuring Morgan Kane.
    Earlier in his career, Masterson, used… Seguir leyendo
