
    La calamidad equivocada Audiolibro

    A Memoir

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    44 ADAPlus network fees
    18.00 USDPlus network fees

    Un libro de memorias íntimo y conmovedoramente honesto sobre una mujer que se hace a sí misma después de un profundo dolor.

    Raised to believe she’s a no-account, Marsha Jacobson falls prey to an assistant dean at her college, who knows a pushover when he sees one. Afraid to say no, she agrees to marry him and move to Japan. A chance meeting with a Mattel Toys executive leads to a high-stakes job, and as success boosts her confidence, Peter becomes more abusive. After they return to America, she escapes from him with their two toddlers, chased by police. Three years later, a single parent with a serious health emergency, she earns an MBA.


    Feeling a true sense of herself for the first time, Marsha launches a significant career and reconnects with Jay, a former colleague and recent widower. They marry and have many joyful years together—until Jay’s buried past comes to get them and their life together starts to crumble. Ignoring harsh truths as things deteriorate, she insists they’ll make it to the other side of this hard time with their marriage intact.

    Then the true calamity they’re facing becomes apparent and shatters her. With time, reflection, and the ability to recognize support when its offered, she emerges from her grief sure-footed and able to have a happy, fulfilling life. In this compelling, generous, and, above all, inspiring memoir, Marsha reckons with the way trauma spreads from generation to generation and person to person, and learns that the effects of trauma need not last a lifetime.

    Numbered Audiobooks: 300

    Número de cubiertas únicas: 1

    Número de cubiertas 1:1 0

    The Wrong Calamity

    1 Diseños únicos
    x 300 Numbered Audiobooks
    = 300 NFT Audiobooks
    Audiobook Numbers 0 - 299
    (100,00% de Suministro)


    Editor : John Marshall Media

    First Publication Date : 2023

    Autor : Marsha Jacobson

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 44 ADA

    Cardano Policy ID : 93a75a76682e736e4f5944c9512aa8cb88ff4411c409940be06057c2

    Información del autor

    Marsha Jacobson

    Having grown up in a small Midwest town, Marsha Jacobson went to college in Boston and discovered she’s a city gal. She now lives in New York City and is an author, teacher, and writing coach. Her work has appeared in the New York Times; the Visible Ink anthology; and the flash fiction anthology, For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn. Her memoir, The Wrong Calamity, is her debut book. Previously, she was an executive in corporations and nonprofits and a consultant to nonprofits. These days, when sh… Seguir leyendo
