The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp

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    Tim y Julie se ven obligados a trabajar de nuevo, ¿pero esta vez como ranas? Prepárense para otro
    aventura a regañadientes épica, ya que Tim y Julie son atraídos a otra dimensión para salvar el día.

    The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp contiene profanidad, sexualidad, violencia y un montón de...
    chistes estúpidos. Esta historia está dirigida a un público adulto, se recomienda discreción al lector.


    From the perverted mind of Joseph Eleam and Tim Canada, The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp is
    the first short story ebook and audiobook to be released by the authors through and is part of
    a larger series of connected stories taking place in (and around) the world of Bursaria.

    The story follows Tim and Julie as they are deceptively led to another dimension and transformed into
    frogs. As the lazy duo try to avoid their worst fear, dying while tired, they must learn to adapt to their
    new amphibious form and find a way to save the day.

    This story is a collaboration between the Cardano NFT project FlueFrogs

    The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp contiene profanidad, sexualidad, violencia y un montón de...
    chistes estúpidos. Esta historia está dirigida a un público adulto, se recomienda discreción al lector.

    Numbered eBooks: 420

    Número de cubiertas únicas: 1

    Número de cubiertas 1:1 0

    The Wizard Tim: A Romp in the Swamp

    1 Diseños únicos
    x 420 Numbered eBooks
    = 420 NFT eBooks
    (100,00% de Suministro)


    First Publication Date : 2024

    Autores: Joseph Eleam, Tim Canada

    Word Count : 9,035

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 10 ADA

    Cardano Discount Price : 7 ADA, for wallet holding The Wizard Tim eBook

    Límite de compra: 2

    Cardano Policy ID : e68e4f1dad77b891f11e20bc618fd09338e54b5a4fc5814b71a49cde

    Información del autor

    Joseph Eleam

    Joseph Eleam is part of the duo responsible for the adventures of The Wizard Tim. He is a writer of sometimes serious and sometimes nonsensical stories. Seguir leyendo

    Tim Canada

    Tim the lazy overweight wizard has his dream job.  As the town wizard for a halfling town named Halfass, he never has to do anything except eat, nap, and do absolutely nothing. However, he soon finds out that even the best posts don't last forever...
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