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jpg.storeEsta es la sexta entrega de Classics: Monster Editions. Publicado por primera vez en 1886 por Robert Louis Stevenson, el libro es una obra famosa de la literatura inglesa y se considera un libro definitorio del género de terror gótico. La novela ha tenido un impacto duradero en la cultura, haciendo que la frase "Jekyll y Hyde" se utilice para describir a las personas que son buenas por fuera, pero ocultan oscuros secretos de su verdadera naturaleza.
De Wikipedia: Stevenson had long been intrigued by the idea of how human personalities can reflect the interplay of good and evil. While still a teenager, he developed a script for a play about William Brodie, which he later reworked with the help of W. E. Henley and which was produced for the first time in 1882. In early 1884, he wrote the short story “Markheim”, which he revised in 1884 for publication in a Christmas annual. According to his essay “A Chapter on Dreams” (Scribner’s, Jan. 1888), he racked his brains for an idea for a story and had a dream, and upon waking had the intuition for two or three scenes that would appear in the story Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Biographer, Graham Balfour, quoted Stevenson’s wife, Fanny Stevenson:In the small hours of one morning,[…] I was awakened by cries of horror from Louis. Thinking he had a nightmare, I awakened him. He said angrily: “Why did you wake me? I was dreaming a fine bogey tale.” I had awakened him at the first transformation scene.
Lloyd Osbourne, Stevenson’s stepson, wrote: “I don’t believe that there was ever such a literary feat before as the writing of Dr. Jekyll. I remember the first reading as though it were yesterday. Louis came downstairs in a fever; read nearly half the book aloud; and then, while we were still gasping, he was away again, and busy writing. I doubt if the first draft took so long as three days.”
Inspiration may also have come from the writer’s friendship with an Edinburgh-based French teacher, Eugene Chantrelle, who was convicted and executed for the murder of his wife in May 1878. Chantrelle, who had appeared to lead a normal life in the city, poisoned his wife with opium. According to author Jeremy Hodges, Stevenson was present throughout the trial and as “the evidence unfolded he found himself, like Dr. Jekyll, ‘aghast before the acts of Edward Hyde’.” Moreover, it was believed that the teacher had committed other murders both in France and Britain by poisoning his victims at supper parties with a “favourite dish of toasted cheese and opium”
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Editor :
Serie : Monstruo
First Publication Date : 1886
Autor : Robert Louis Stevenson
Word Count : 66,976
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Retail Price : 39 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 30 ADA, #OGBookClub
Cardano Policy ID : 21b7da6aa32387769a00c1f0ce17db86f75b213281d79ff6b158c91f
From Wikipedia: Robert Louis Stevenson, born Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson; (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, essayist, poet and travel writer. He is best known for works such as Treasure Island, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Kidnapped and A Child's Garden of Verses.
Born and educated in Edinburgh, Stevenson suffered from serious bronchial trouble for much of his life, but continued to write prolifically and travel widely in defiance of his poor health. A… Seguir leyendo
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y el Sr. Hyde, publicado por primera vez en 1886, sigue siendo una de las exploraciones más apasionantes de la literatura sobre la dualidad de la naturaleza humana. Robert Louis Stevenson teje magistralmente la historia de un respetado científico, el Dr. Henry Jekyll, que crea una poción para separar su lado bueno del malo, liberando al monstruoso Sr. Edward Hyde. A medida que se intensifica la lucha de Jekyll con su oscuro alter ego, la historia ahonda en las aterradoras consecuencias de los deseos desenfrenados y ... Seguir leyendo
Publicada por primera vez en 1883, La isla del tesoro es una de las historias de piratas más famosas jamás escritas. La historia está protagonizada por Jim Hawkins, un joven que descubre el paradero de un tesoro enterrado y parte en su busca con el Dr. Livesey y el escudero Trelawney. Contratan mano de obra para trabajar en el barco, la Hispaniola. Entre la tripulación se encuentra Long John Silver, que quiere hacerse con el tesoro para él y la tripulación.
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