El resto de la historia hasta ahora... Collect books 3-5 of the series in one volume.
Donovan DeChance es coleccionista de manuscritos y libros antiguos, mago practicante e investigador privado. A lo largo de su dilatada vida, ha reunido y archivado la mayor biblioteca ocultista del mundo.
Este conjunto de tres libros abarca su historia de origen, una aventura en el Gran Pantano Lúgubre y termina en un castillo de montaña en Alemania.
Book III – My Soul to Keep & Others – When Donovan DeChance invites his partner and lover, Amethyst, for a quiet dinner, she has no idea of his true intention. Donovan has planned a sharing – a vision that will give her the keys to his early life – the origins of his power – and a lot more than she bargained for.
The other two series adjacent novellas from the original book III are available only in 10% each of the Book.IO editions.
Book IV – Kali’s Tale – When asked to follow in secret as a hot-headed group of young vampires set out on a ‘blood quest’ to kill the ancient who created the young vampire Kali against her will, he learns that – as usual – there is a lot more to the story than meets the eye. Through the juke joints of Beale Street in Memphis, to the depths of The Great Dismal Swamp, Donovan and his lover and partner, Amethyst, find themselves drawn along on one of the strangest quests in their long, enigmatic lives as they delve into the world of the undead, the magic of The Blues, and the very heart of alchemy both to protect their young, vampiric charges – and to prevent an ancient evil from destroying the balance of power in the universe.
Book V – A Midnight Dreary – When Donovan, reminded that he has promised his lover, Amethyst, and Geoffrey Bullfinch of the O.C.L.T., a story, draws them back in time to a vision of the final chapter of the novel Nevermore – A Novel of Love, Loss & Edgar Allan Poe. At vision’s end, they realized that they must act to free Eleanor MacReady from the trap that holds her on the banks of Lake Drummond, in the Great Dismal Swamp, and to rescue a princess who has not known freedom in at least two centuries. The rescue that ensues crosses worlds and dimensions, wandering through Poe’s tales, the fables of the Brothers Grimm, and finally to a confrontation on a mountain in Germany.
Numbered eBooks: 750
Number of Unique Covers: 166
Number of 1:1 Covers: 98
15 diseños únicos
x 14 Numbered eBooks
= 210 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 540 - 749
(28,00% de Suministro)
13 diseños únicos
x 11 Libros electrónicos numerados
= 143 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 397 - 539
(19.07% of Supply)
12 diseños únicos
x 9 Numbered eBooks
= 108 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 289 - 396
(14.40% of Supply)
11 diseños únicos
x 8 eBooks numerados
= 88 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 201 - 288
(11.73% of Supply)
9 diseños únicos
x 7 eBooks numerados
= 63 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 138 - 200
(8.40% of Supply)
8 diseños únicos
x 5 eBooks numerados
= 40 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 98 - 137
(5.33% of Supply)
36 Unique Designs
x 1 eBooks numerados
= 36 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 62 - 97
(4.80% of Supply)
19 diseños únicos
x 1 eBooks numerados
= 19 NFT eBooks
eBook Números 43 - 61
(2.53% of Supply)
17 diseños únicos
x 1 eBooks numerados
= 17 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 26 - 42
(2.27% of Supply)
16 diseños únicos
x 1 eBooks numerados
= 16 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 10 - 25
(2.13% of Supply)
10 diseños únicos
x 1 eBooks numerados
= 10 NFT eBooks
eBook Números del 0 al 9
(1.33% of Supply)
Editor : Crossroad Press
Serie : Autor vivo 2.0
First Publication Date : 2012
Autor : David Niall Wilson
Word Count : 184,000
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : Book.io eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Retail Price : 29 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 19 ADA, For wallet holding Vintage Soul and Heart of A Dragon
Límite de compra: 5
Cardano Policy ID : 6ad208851b5acd9de89f5d59c72423147e7fd06fe285d52f240340ba
David Niall Wilson is a USA Today bestselling, multiple Bram Stoker Award-winning author of more than forty novels and collections. He is a former president of the Horror Writers Association and CEO and founder of Crossroad Press Publishing.
His novels include This is My Blood, Deep Blue, and Many More. His most recent published works are the collection The Devil’s in the Flaws & Other Dark Truths, and the historical fantasy novel Jurassic Ark – a retelling of the Noah’s Ark story… … Seguir leyendo
Something in Lavender, California is waking up. Rituals not properly completed for centuries are coming together. Nothing is what it seems.
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This unique book, available only as an NFT through Book.io, is no half-baked project. It is loaded with cheese and ready to sizzle. Starting from a couple of random comments about “taters” the concept has grown root. In the pages of this book you will not find the boring, regular stories, like “Silence of the Yams,” but true works of Tuber Terror. But be careful, there are a lot of EYES watching, and it’s possible these words will drive you starch raving mad. This is certain to be THE … Seguir leyendo
Del autor David Niall Wilson, bestseller del USA Today y ganador de varios premios Bram Stoker ALMA VINTAGE - Libro 2 de Las crónicas de DeChance - Donovan DeChance es un mago e investigador especializado en localizar, archivar y proteger libros, documentos y objetos peligrosos. Cuando una hermosa vampiresa de 300 años es secuestrada, Donovan es contratado para encontrarla. En el proceso, descubre un complot tan oscuro que podría sumir a toda la ciudad en un mundo de tinieblas.
... Seguir leyendo
From USA Today bestselling and multiple Bram Stoker Award-winning author David Niall Wilson HEART OF A DRAGON – Book 1 of The DeChance Chronicles – Donovan DeChance is a mage and investigator specializing in tracking down, archiving, and protecting dangerous books, documents, and objects. When a local Voodoo Houngan endangers the city, Donovan and a band of unlikely allies stand in her way.
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