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jpg.storeNo a todos los vampiros les gusta beber sangre...
Te presento a Lawson: vampiro de nacimiento, reparador de oficio. Su misión: preservar la existencia secreta de los vampiros vivos por todos los medios.Sólo hay un problema: su más antiguo enemigo, Cosgrove, ha vuelto, matando humanos y amenazando con desatar un antiguo mal impío. ¿Podrá Lawson detener a Cosgrove y seguir respetando las leyes que ha jurado defender sin enamorarse de una bella asesina humana llamada Talya?
There’s a shadow race that has existed alongside humanity for millennia. Carefully intermingled and yet separate, vampire society has evolved and prospered mainly thanks to the tireless work of Fixers -operatives trained to deal with any threat that might compromise the secret existence of their race.
Lawson is a seasoned, cynical, and sarcasticFixer assigned to the Boston area of operations. He bristles whenever he has to deal with the Council, the governing body of vampires who dispense the laws -and sanctions -that Lawson must enforce. So when his oldest enemy, a psychopath named Cosgrove, comes to town and starts leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, Lawson’s ready to put him down -with or without the Council’s blessing.
But someone else has Cosgrove in their sights: a beautiful and lethal human assassin tutored by the Soviets and blooded in the wilds of Afghanistan. She’s in town for payback and isn’t about to let someone like Lawson get in her way. Now even as these two professionals careen toward one another on a collision course, Cosgrove is busy killing for another reason entirely: he wants to raise the spirit of an ancient vampire god -one so terribly evil that its rebirth threatens the fate of not just vampire society, but of humanity as well.
This is the first book in the bestselling Lawson Vampire series, a thrilling blend of crime, espionage, and magic that spans over 43 adventures to-date.
“Lawson is like Jason Bourne with fangs…” -Booklist
“A powerful novel by a man who knows the turf.” -NYT Bestselling author Robert. B. Parker on THE FIXER
“An action novel with real bite. Jon F. Merz brings his A-game and then ratchets it up to a whole new level of supernatural action. Highly recommended!” –Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of The Dragon Factory and Patient Zero
“Jon F. Merz’s novels move at a break-neck pace, twisting through a landscape of thrills and terror.” –Douglas Clegg, author of The Infinite and The Priest of Blood
“If James Bond, True Blood and Kill Bill created a mutant hybrid of a book, it would be The Kensei.A bullet train slice ’em, dice ’em mixture of action, suspense, and vampire ninjas. Did I mention vampire ninjas?”–Jason Pinter, bestselling author of The Fury and The Darkness
Numbered eBooks: 2,750
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1 Diseños únicos
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Serie : Autor vivo
First Publication Date : 2002
Autor : Jon F. Merz
Word Count : 100,000
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Retail Price : 55 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 50 ADA, #OGBookClub
Límite de compra: 5
Cardano Policy ID : efc46d26f2a914c405bd99b249eb2de7cd2ad320b5cbe74e4f8e9510
Writer, Actor, Producer, Veteran, Adventurer, Model, 5th Degree Black Belt Ninja, CrossFitter, GORUCK Tough, Cartoonist, Husband, Father...these are just a few of the things that I love doing throughout the course of my 47 years. Writing to me means giving my readers & fans one helluva thrill ride. And I hope you agree when you read my work that they're a blast.
Here's a quick run-down of my published work...
Let's face it: there are a LOT of vampire series out t… Seguir leyendo
Lawson is back: vampire by birth, Fixer by trade. His mission: preserve the secret existence of living vampires. But that’s a hard thing to do when Shiva – the most lethal assassin Lawson has ever known – decides to come to town on a mission to kill the head of the Council. And what makes Shiva so dangerous? She’s half-lycan and can shapeshift into anyone she likes with uncanny detail. That skill has fooled her targets in the past, and it just might be enough to fool Lawson himself.
... Seguir leyendo
This unique book, available only as an NFT through, is no half-baked project. It is loaded with cheese and ready to sizzle. Starting from a couple of random comments about “taters” the concept has grown root. In the pages of this book you will not find the boring, regular stories, like “Silence of the Yams,” but true works of Tuber Terror. But be careful, there are a lot of EYES watching, and it’s possible these words will drive you starch raving mad. This is certain to be THE … Seguir leyendo
Lawson ha vuelto: vampiro de nacimiento, Fixer de oficio. Su misión: preservar la existencia secreta de los vampiros vivos. La desaparición de un familiar lleva a Lawson de viaje a Nueva York, donde se topa de bruces con el crimen organizado vampírico. Ahora tienen a Lawson justo donde lo quieren, y quieren que cambie de bando y traicione a la Balanza. Pero Lawson tiene más de una jugada en su libro, y si tiene que ir al paredón para rescatar a su primo y evitar que el Sindicato libere una nueva droga sintética ... Seguir leyendo
Lawson is back: vampire by birth, Fixer by trade. His mission: preserve the secret existence of living vampires. When a routine sanction turns out to be a set-up, Lawson suddenly finds himself protecting a small child with the incredible ability to conjure the spirits of dead vampires. But a powerful member of the Council wants the boy’s power for her own and will stop at nothing to have it. From the rain-slicked streets of Boston to the skyscraping Himalayas, Lawson has only one chance to fin… Seguir leyendo