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jpg.storeEste libro es un completo manual de implantación de la ciberseguridad que ofrece orientación práctica sobre las actividades individuales identificadas en el Marco de Ciberresiliencia (CRF) de Gobernanza de TI que pueden ayudar a las organizaciones a ser ciberresilientes y combatir el panorama de las ciberamenazas.
In the world as we know it, you can be attacked both physically and virtually. For today’s organisations, which rely so heavily on technology – particularly the Internet – to do business, the latter is the far more threatening of the two. The cyber threat landscape is complex and constantly changing. For every vulnerability fixed, another pops up, ripe for exploitation.
Because virtually every organisation holds valuable information, often in huge quantities (even if you are a small business), everyone is a target. It should therefore not come as a surprise that 46% of UK businesses alone experienced at least one cyber attack or breach during 2019, which increased to as much as 75% for large businesses. More often than not, organisations cannot do business if they lose access to that information – making it one of their most important assets.
Suitable for senior directors (CEO, CISO, CIO), compliance managers, privacy managers, IT managers, security analysts and others, the book is divided into six parts:
Part 1: Introduction
The world of cyber security and the approach taken in this book.
Part 2: Threats and vulnerabilities
A discussion of a range of threats organisations face, organised by threat category, to help you understand what you are defending yourself against before you start thinking about your actual defences.
Part 3: The CRF processes
Detailed discussions of each of the 24 CRF processes, explaining a wide range of security areas by process category and offering guidance on how to implement each.
Part 4: Eight steps to implementing cyber security
Our eight-step approach to implementing the cyber security processes you need and maintaining them.
Part 5: Reference frameworks
An explanation of how standards and frameworks work, along with their benefits. It also presents ten framework options, introducing you to some of the best-known standards and giving you an idea of the range available.
Part 6: Conclusion and appendices. The appendices include a glossary of all the acronyms and abbreviations used in this book.
Cyber security does not have to cost vast amounts of money or take years to implement, particularly if you take a strategic approach. It is a worthwhile investment: no matter the size of your organisation, improving cyber security helps protect your data and that of your clients, improving business relations and opening up new business opportunities.
Whether you are just starting out on the road to cyber security or looking to enhance and improve your existing cyber resilience programme, it should be clear that cyber security is no longer optional in today’s information age; it is an essential component of business success.
Numbered eBooks: 350
Number of Unique Covers: 26
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2 diseños únicos
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1 Diseños únicos
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Editor : IT Governance Publishing
Serie : Autor vivo 2.0
First Publication Date : 2020
Autor : Alan Calder
Word Count : 190,000
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Retail Price : 99 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 79 ADA, for wallet holding The Gutenberg Bible
Límite de compra: 3
Cardano Policy ID : 9121c06bbb1ac1045e0f90ac92660711644a460af3eb0b1e856ef811
Alan Calder is an acknowledged international cyber security guru and a leading author on information security and IT governance issues.
Alan has been involved in the development of a wide range of information security management training courses that have been accredited by the International Board for IT Governance Qualifications (IBITGQ).
Alan ha asesorado a clientes en el Reino Unido y en el extranjero, y es comentarista habitual en los medios de comunicación y conferenciante.
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Libro de texto recomendado para el curso de posgrado en seguridad de la información de la Open University del Reino Unido y texto recomendado para todos los cursos ISO 27001 del IBITGQ.
En esta edición actualizada, los renombrados expertos en ISO 27001/27002 Alan Calder y Steve Watkins:
Debate sobre las actualizaciones de ISO 27001/27002:2022
Proporcionar orientación sobre cómo establecer un sólido sistema de gobernanza de TI y un SGSI (sistema de gestión de la seguridad de la información) que cumpla las normas ISO 27001 e ISO 27002.
Destaque por qué la protección de datos y la seguridad de la información ... Seguir leyendo
¡Ganador del "Mejor libro cibernético del año" en los premios The Real Cyber Awards 2023!
El libro le proporcionará una buena comprensión de los fundamentos de la ciberseguridad y la resistencia, sin vincularlos a normas, marcos o soluciones específicas, y constituirá un excelente punto de partida para cualquier proyecto de implantación de ciberresiliencia.
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ISO 27001 es una de las principales normas de seguridad de la información. Ofrece una vía reconocida internacionalmente para que organizaciones de todos los tamaños y sectores adopten y demuestren una seguridad de la información eficaz y verificada de forma independiente.
Este libro le ayudará a comprender:
Cómo pueden beneficiar a su organización las normas ISO 27001 e ISO 27002
Los requisitos de las normas ISO 27001:2022 e ISO 27002:2022
El proceso de certificación ISO
Términos y definiciones clave utilizados en estas normas
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