The Cougar Diaries Trilogy

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    “The Cougar Diaries Trilogy” by Jillian Godsil aka Aoife Brennan, is a bold and captivating exploration of modern relationships, self-discovery, and empowerment. Godsil skillfully captures the emotional depth and evolving dynamics of relationships. The book resonates with readers by addressing universal themes of love, self-acceptance, and the courage to defy societal expectations. Her narrative is both candid and humorous, providing a fresh perspective on the trials and triumphs of reclaiming one’s identity and desires.


    “The Cougar Diaries Trilogy” is a year in the life of Aoife Brennan, A newly single woman, Dubliner and mother to two teenage boys – she has to fight for her way of life, overcome the antiquated legal divorce system, secure a fair future from her estranged ex and LIVE! This is about a woman living and loving again, making mistakes, embracing life and giving it lots of welly!

    Numbered eBooks: 400

    Number of Unique Covers: 114

    Número de cubiertas 1:1 55

    It’s A Tough World

    18 diseños únicos
    x 8 eBooks numerados
    = 144 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 256 - 399
    (36.00% of Supply)

    Sex God

    16 diseños únicos
    x 7 eBooks numerados
    = 112 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 144 - 255
    (28,00% de Suministro)

    What Counts

    14 diseños únicos
    x 4 eBooks numerados
    = 56 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 88 - 143
    (14,00% de Suministro)

    Office Love

    11 diseños únicos
    x 3 eBooks numerados
    = 33 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 55 - 87
    (8.25% of Supply)

    Impossible to Ignore

    21 Unique Designs
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 21 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 34 - 54
    (5.25% of Supply)

    The Cougar

    12 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 12 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 22 - 33
    (3,00% de Suministro)

    Their Number Is Up

    11 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 11 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 11 - 21
    (2,75% de Suministro)

    The Best Friend

    6 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 6 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 5 - 10
    (1,50% de Suministro)

    Gotta Love ‘Em

    5 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 5 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 - 4
    (1.25% of Supply)


    Serie : Autor vivo 2.0

    First Publication Date : 2013

    Autor : Jillian Godsil

    Word Count : 73,500

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 24 ADA

    Límite de compra: 5

    Cardano Policy ID : d605bee59298d2275c5b030761de77a5217485fb68fd932b5b387ba4

    Información del autor

    Jillian Godsil

    I have been a writer since I was very little.  I had no doubt as to this career in my first decade of life.  On entering my teens, I was just as adamant but strangely found little time to actually write fiction, only a few scattered attempts echoing whatever book I happened to be reading at the time. It was as I approached my forties, I suddenly went ‘Whoa! Where are my novels?’ and realised for all my talk I hadn’t actually started let alone finished any novels.  In my final year of my… Seguir leyendo
