The CISO Perspective

    Understand the importance of the CISO in the cyber threat landscape

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    Buy this book today and understand how to maximise the benefits of the CISO’s role in your organization!


    In this updated edition, the security threat landscape has widened and the broadening of the CISO role has become a mandate for organizational survival. This book challenges and guides information security professionals to think about information security and risk management from the enterprise level, not just from the IT perspective.

    Read this book to understand how:

    • The CISO’s role can improve an organization’s cyber strategy;
    • An organization’s view of information security, business continuity, compliance, safety, and physical security is crucial for the success of its cybersecurity defense;
    • Soft skills are crucial for the CISO to communicate effectively with the board and other departments in the organization;
    • Standards such as ISO 27001:2022 can help your organization implement a suitable ISMS (information security management system); and
    • Risk management is imperative to identify, analyze, evaluate, and protect the organization’s assets.

    Numbered eBooks: 300

    Number of Unique Covers: 10

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 5

    Protecting Against Cyber Threats

    5 diseños únicos
    x 59 Numbered eBooks
    = 295 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 5 - 299
    (98.33% of Supply)

    CISO Implementation

    5 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 5 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 - 4
    (1.67% of Supply)


    Editor : IT Governance Publishing

    First Publication Date : 2023

    Autores: Barry Kouns, Jake Kouns

    Word Count : 20,000

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 65 ADA

    Cardano Policy ID : 78c0fa5899466ddeabf741872e201f3286ecc5008687934a419b0acb

    Información del autor

    Barry Kouns

    Barry Kouns is a security and risk management expert with more than 25 years’ experience in information security consulting, risk assessment, and quality management. He formed and operates SQM Advisors, LLC, an information security, risk assessment, and IT service management firm that has led numerous organizations to ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. Barry co-founded Risk Based Security, Inc., a vulnerability intelligence and data breach analytics organization that was acquired by Flashpoint … Seguir leyendo

    Jake Kouns

    Jake Kouns holds a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in information security from James Madison University. He holds a number of certifications including CISSP®, CISM®, CISA®, and CGEIT®. Jake co-founded Risk Based Security, Inc., and is currently the Chief Innovation Officer at Flashpoint. He is well known from his presentations at security conferences including RSA, CISO Executive Summit, EntNet IEEE GLOBECOM, CanSecWest, and SyScan. Jake is also the co-founder of RVAs… Seguir leyendo
