El ataque a Vitalik Número 3

    Serie : Autor vivo
    99 ADA / 89 ADA*
    Plus network fees

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    El Ataque a Vitalik es el primer título de cómic publicado en la blockchain de Cardano, creado por Bajuzki Studios. El tercer número sigue a nuestros protagonistas -Charles, el cazador de monstruos, y Vitalik, el Maestro Vampiro- mientras se preparan para una guerra entre ellos. Sin embargo, cuando una nueva información sale a la luz, echa por tierra todo lo que Charles creía saber.


    The Attack on Vitalik comics series follows our three main characters –Charles, Ada and Vitalik–as they try to outsmart each other and win their endless battle.The story is set in a fantasy world full of deadly monsters determined to eliminate human-kind.

    Charles is a monster hunter and the first member of his family to be born with the sign of falcon. This means he is destined to be a strong warrior and an unprecedented leader; however, it also awakens Vitalik, the Vampire Master.

    Vitalik is one of the oldest vampires in the world and the most dangerous one by far. Nobody who crosses him ever lives to tell the tale, and with each victory, Vitalik only grows stronger. Combined with his immortality, inhuman speed and strength, it looks like Charles does not stand a chance against him.

    Luckily, a brilliant scientist, Ada, offers her help to defeat Vitalik once and for all. Ada comes from a noble family, which has granted her endless opportunities to learn and educate herself. She has used this privilege to become one of the most progressive inventors the world has ever seen. Her technology is unmatched, and her designs are unreadable to anyone but Ada.

    The captivating story is complemented by beautiful illustrations to provide a fully immersive experience to our readers.

    Numbered eBooks: 2,000

    Number of Unique Covers: 2,000

    Número de cubiertas 1:1 0

    El ataque a Vitalik Número 3

    2,000 Unique Designs
    x 2,000 Numbered eBooks
    = 4,000,000 NFT eBooks
    (200,000.00% of Supply)


    Serie : Autor vivo

    First Publication Date : November 16, 2022

    Autor : Bajuzki Studios

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : Book.io eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 99 ADA

    Cardano Discount Price : 89 ADA, #OGBookClub

    Límite de compra: 10

    Cardano Policy ID : 58b2b7da117fdfe9c2afaf5da892eb44850c014a5a47243884e8aac4

    Información del autor
