Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes

    Serie : Aventura
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    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, first published in 1892. The stories feature the detective Sherlock Holmes and his colleague Dr. John Watson, who investigates a variety of mysterious and unusual cases. Some of the most famous stories in the collection include “A Scandal in Bohemia,” “The Adventure of the Speckled Band,” and “The Adventure of Silver Blaze.”


    De Wikipedia: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve short stories by British writer Arthur Conan Doyle, first published on 14 October 1892. It contains the earliest short stories featuring the consulting detective Sherlock Holmes, which had been published in twelve monthly issues of The Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. The stories are collected in the same sequence, which is not supported by any fictional chronology. The only characters common to all twelve are Holmes and Dr. Watson and all are related in first-person narrative from Watson’s point of view.

    In general the stories in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes identify, and try to correct, social injustices. Holmes is portrayed as offering a new, fairer sense of justice. The stories were well received, and boosted the subscriptions figures of The Strand Magazine, prompting Doyle to be able to demand more money for his next set of stories. The first story, “A Scandal in Bohemia”, includes the character of Irene Adler, who, despite being featured only within this one story by Doyle, is a prominent character in modern Sherlock Holmes adaptations, generally as a love interest for Holmes. Doyle included four of the twelve stories from this collection in his twelve favourite Sherlock Holmes stories, picking “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” as his overall favourite.

    Numbered eBooks: 1,628

    Number of Unique Covers: 154

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 57

    The Clues

    21 Unique Designs
    x 29 Numbered eBooks
    = 609 NFT eBooks
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    The Scotland Yard Inspector

    19 diseños únicos
    x 18 Numbered eBooks
    = 342 NFT eBooks
    (21.01% of Supply)

    The Detective

    18 diseños únicos
    x 14 Numbered eBooks
    = 252 NFT eBooks
    (15.48% of Supply)

    The Faithful Friend

    17 diseños únicos
    x 10 Numbered eBooks
    = 170 NFT eBooks
    (10.44% of Supply)

    The Great Cesspool

    14 diseños únicos
    x 9 Numbered eBooks
    = 126 NFT eBooks
    (7.74% of Supply)

    The Red-Headed League

    8 diseños únicos
    x 9 Numbered eBooks
    = 72 NFT eBooks
    (4.42% of Supply)

    Sherlock Holmes

    21 Unique Designs
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 21 NFT eBooks
    (1.29% of Supply)

    The Scandal in Bohemia

    18 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 18 NFT eBooks
    (1.11% of Supply)

    The Speckled Band

    11 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 11 NFT eBooks
    (0.68% of Supply)

    The King of Bohemia

    7 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 7 NFT eBooks
    (0.43% of Supply)


    Editor :

    Serie : Aventura

    First Publication Date : October 14, 1892

    Autor : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Word Count : 105,071

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 59 ADA

    Cardano Discount Price : 49 ADA, #OGBookClub

    Límite de compra: 5

    Cardano Policy ID : 922cb1a254f09f4b51c6613c10303fcc26735d1620d257a9eb064af6

    Información del autor

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    From Wikipedia: Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (22 May 1859 – 7 July 1930) was a British writer and physician. He created the character Sherlock Holmes in 1887 for A Study in Scarlet, the first of four novels and fifty-six short stories about Holmes and Dr. Watson. The Sherlock Holmes stories are milestones in the field of crime fiction.
    Doyle was a prolific writer; other than Holmes stories, his works include fantasy and science fiction stories about Professor Challenger, and humoro… Seguir leyendo
