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    The Future of Digital Media Ownership

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    Own a limited Collector’s Edition of the Whitepaper with 500 one-of-one book covers. is the home for fully decentralized and encrypted Music, Video, Podcasts, and other media you truly own. Gain insight into a new era of digital media and how it will benefit consumers and creators alike.

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    Consumers lack true ownership of their digital assets (books, music, videos, etc.) because they unknowingly purchase a “license to access content” rather than the actual content itself. This restricts them from selling, giving away, or lending their media. Centralized retailers and creators retain the power to alter or remove content without notifying the purchaser. Moreover, if a consumer cancels a centralized service, they lose access to their purchased digital media.

    These centralized retailers also assume ownership over the consumers, prohibiting creators from freely communicating with their audience and often preventing access to basic consumer data. Media licensing systems, established over two decades ago, are now outdated with the advent of Web3 technologies. Creators seek fair compensation for their products and the ability to connect directly with their audiences. Consumers seek ownership of their digital assets and agency over their media. utilizes Decentralized Encrypted Assets (DEAs), which establish genuine digital asset ownership, revolutionizing the industry for both consumers and creators.

    Libros electrónicos numerados: 500

    Number of Unique Covers: 500

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 500

    Libro Blanco de

    500 Unique Designs
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 500 NFT eBooks
    (100,00% de Suministro)


    Editor :

    First Publication Date : 2024

    Autor : Joshua Stone

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 99 ADA

    Límite de compra: 3

    Cardano Policy ID : d6b26dc9349855c45f632b087eb5eea0330db8f1eda85eb7346012fc

    Información del autor

    Joshua Stone

    Joshua Stone es el consejero delegado y cofundador de, una empresa pionera que está transformando la industria del libro digital. Con una aguda visión para la innovación y una profunda pasión por la literatura, Josh ha integrado con éxito la tecnología de vanguardia con el mundo tradicional de los libros. Bajo su liderazgo, ha desarrollado soluciones únicas que mejoran la experiencia de lectura digital, haciendo que los libros electrónicos sean más accesibles, interactivos y atractivos para los lectores de todo el mundo.
    Antes de fundar, Josh... Seguir leyendo
