Desenreda la compleja red de dilemas filosóficos de Spidey y su mundo
Since Stan Lee and Marvel introduced Spider-Man in Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962, everyone’s favorite webslinger has had a long career in comics, graphic novels, cartoons, movies, and even on Broadway. In this book some of history’s most powerful philosophers help us explore the enduring questions and issues surrounding this beloved superhero: Is Peter Parker to blame for the death of his uncle? Does great power really bring great responsibility? Can Spidey champion justice and be with Mary Jane at the same time? Finding your way through this web of inquiry, you’ll discover answers to these and many other thought-provoking questions.
Through decades of web-slinging adventures in comics, television shows, movies, and even on Broadway, Spider-Man has become one of our most beloved and enduring superheroes. Peter’s the classic underdog, and like many of us, he’s learned to combat the evils in his life with abilities he didn’t realize he had. Spiderman y la filosofía untangles the complex web of philosophical dilemmas of Spidey and his world with the help of some of history’s most powerful thinkers, including Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, and Kierkegaard. From the morality of the wall-crawler’s jokes to whether he can maintain both of his lives as Peter and as a costumed crusader, from Spider-Man’s struggle with infinite debt and guilt to what it takes to live a good life, you’ll gain fascinating insights that are as compelling as the Webbed Wonder’s ability to climb walls, swing down boulevards, and shoot web bullets at the bad guys.
Numbered eBooks: 300
Número de cubiertas únicas: 1
Número de cubiertas 1:1 0
1 Diseños únicos
x 300 Numbered eBooks
= 300 NFT eBooks
eBook Numbers 0 - 299
(100,00% de Suministro)
Editor : Wiley
First Publication Date : 2012
Autores: Jonathan J. Sanford, William Irwin
Word Count : 80,000
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Retail Price : 45 ADA
Límite de compra: 3
Cardano Policy ID : 33d6445a270a14f0e9b4dbd0bff6e921f4cdee16bb69f70538b91a5c
Jonathan J. Sanford is a professor of philosophy and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Seguir leyendo
William Irwin is Herve A. LeBlanc Distinguished Service Professor in the Philosophy Department at King's College, Pennsylvania. Irwin's books include Little Siddhartha (2018), God Is a Question, Not an Answer (2018), and The Meaning of Metallica (2022). He is also the author of the novel Free Dakota (2016) and The Free Market Existentialist: Capitalism without Consumerism (2015).
Irwin is best known for having originated the philosophy and popular culture genre of books with Seinfeld and Philos… Seguir leyendo
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Explore el universo de Dune de Frank Herbert en toda su riqueza filosófica.
"Quien controla la especia controla el universo".
Decenas de miles de años en un futuro intergaláctico, ¿podremos los humanos perdurar o sacrificaremos lo más importante de nuestra humanidad por el poder, la gloria, la religión y, por supuesto, el control de la especia? Dune y la Filosofía establece un rumbo intelectual a través de la arena y las estrellas para averiguarlo.
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