La verdadera historia de Lucian

    Serie : Aventura
    28 ADA / 19 ADA*
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    12.00 USD / 8.00 USD*
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     *for wallet holding The Life of Buffalo Bill

    La "Historia verdadera de Luciano", escrita por Luciano de Samosata, es una de las primeras obras de ciencia ficción y fantasía satíricas. Escrita en el siglo II d.C., esta novela ofrece una ingeniosa crítica de los relatos mitológicos e históricos de su época. La narración de Luciano comienza con un viaje a la Luna y se expande en una exploración imaginativa de diversos reinos fantásticos, incluidos encuentros con criaturas extrañas y sociedades estrafalarias.


    In this groundbreaking work, Lucian employs satire to question and challenge the credibility of established myths and legends. Through his protagonist’s absurd adventures, he pokes fun at the exaggerated tales and moralistic narratives that were prevalent in ancient literature. The book’s inventive plot and humorous style not only entertain but also invite readers to critically examine the stories they encounter.

    “Lucian’s True History” remains a significant text in the history of literature for its innovative approach to storytelling and its early use of fantastical elements to critique contemporary beliefs. Lucian’s ability to blend humor with a sharp critique of societal norms makes this work a precursor to modern science fiction and satire, highlighting its enduring relevance and influence in literary history.

    Numbered eBooks: 351

    Number of Unique Covers: 95

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    Editor :

    Serie : Aventura

    First Publication Date : 2nd C. CE

    Autor : Lucian of Samosata

    Word Count : 20,000

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Cardano Retail Price : 28 ADA

    Cardano Discount Price : 19 ADA, for wallet holding The Life of Buffalo Bill

    Límite de compra: 3

    Cardano Policy ID : c196139e715280a283edecfceecd6302b3edaac15497b923efcfc6eb

    Información del autor

    Lucian of Samosata

    Lucian of Samosata (c. 125-180 CE), a prominent satirist and rhetorician of the 2nd century CE, hailed from the ancient city of Samosata in present-day Turkey. He became renowned for his sharp wit, clever critiques, and mastery of the Greek language. Lucian's extensive body of work spans various genres, including dialogues, essays, and travelogues, all characterized by his distinctive blend of humor and philosophical insight. Through his writings, Lucian challenged the societal norms and superst… Seguir leyendo
