Agotado - Disponible en:"Khaled", de F. Marion Crawford, sumerge a los lectores en un viaje místico por la Península Arábiga, en el que se mezclan romance, aventura y lo sobrenatural. Khaled, un genio, se enamora de la bella princesa Zehowah y desea casarse con ella. Se transforma en humano y se embarca en la búsqueda de su verdadero amor. Sólo entonces se le concederá un alma humana, preparando el escenario para una serie de pruebas y tribulaciones que pondrán a prueba su recién descubierta humanidad.
Khaled’s journey explores themes of love, identity, and redemption. As he navigates the complexities of human emotions, he learns about the depth of love and the sacrifices it demands. His efforts to win Zehowah’s heart reveal his vulnerability and the challenges of understanding human nature. The relationship between Khaled and Zehowah unfolds with rich emotional depth, highlighting their individual growth and the transformative power of love.
Crawford’s vivid descriptions bring the Arabian setting to life, painting a picture of exotic landscapes and vibrant cultures. The narrative captures the essence of the region, from bustling markets to serene deserts, creating a captivating backdrop for Khaled’s journey. Through detailed storytelling, Crawford not only tells a compelling tale of love and transformation but also offers a glimpse into the enchanting world of Arabia, making “Khaled” a timeless and engaging read.
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Editor :
Serie : Inadaptados
First Publication Date : 1891
Autor : F. Marion Crawford
Word Count : 70,000
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Retail Price : 29 ADA
Cardano Discount Price : 14 ADA, for wallet holding The Gutenberg Bible
Límite de compra: 3
Cardano Policy ID : e021dc6f4d637239772bd569e21c625745c52a912fee8c25864c9f0b
F. Marion Crawford (1854-1909) made his mark as a prolific American novelist renowned for his diverse body of work and vivid storytelling. Born in Bagni di Lucca, Italy, Crawford absorbed various cultures from an early age, deeply influencing his writing. He received his education in Europe and the United States, which helped him develop a cosmopolitan outlook that permeated his novels. Crawford's ability to craft rich, atmospheric settings and complex characters earned him a loyal readership an… Seguir leyendo