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    Walter Scott’s “Ivanhoe” thrusts readers into the tumultuous world of medieval England, where chivalry, honor, and political intrigue collide. Set against the backdrop of the late 12th century, the novel follows the adventures of the noble knight Ivanhoe as he returns from the Crusades to find his homeland torn apart by conflict. Through daring feats of valor and a romantic entanglement with the beautiful Lady Rowena, Ivanhoe navigates the treacherous landscape of power struggles and loyalties.


    As Ivanhoe endeavors to restore his family’s honor and win the hand of Lady Rowena, he encounters a colorful cast of characters, including the cunning outlaw Robin Hood and the enigmatic Jewess Rebecca. Amidst jousting tournaments, castle sieges, and secret alliances, Scott weaves a tapestry of medieval life rich in historical detail and vivid imagery. The novel explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the clash of cultures, offering readers a captivating glimpse into a bygone era.

    “Ivanhoe” stands as a timeless classic of historical fiction, celebrated for its vivid portrayal of medieval England and its enduring characters. Scott’s masterful storytelling and evocative prose transport readers to a world of knights and damsels, where honor and bravery undergo the ultimate test. Through its captivating narrative and memorable characters, “Ivanhoe” continues to captivate audiences and inspire imaginations centuries after its initial publication.

    Numbered eBooks: 122

    Number of Unique Covers: 44

    Number of 1:1 Covers: 22

    King Lionheart

    7 diseños únicos
    x 6 eBooks numerados
    = 42 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 80 - 121
    (34.43% of Supply)

    The Templar Knight

    6 diseños únicos
    x 5 eBooks numerados
    = 30 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 50 - 79
    (24.59% of Supply)

    Wilfred of Ivanhoe

    5 diseños únicos
    x 4 eBooks numerados
    = 20 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 30 - 49
    (16.39% of Supply)

    Ivanhoe’s Love Interest

    4 diseños únicos
    x 2 eBooks numerados
    = 8 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 22 - 29
    (6.56% of Supply)

    The Ruthless Front de Boeuf

    7 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 7 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 15 - 21
    (5.74% of Supply)

    The Healer

    6 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 6 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 9 - 14
    (4.92% of Supply)

    Ulrica of Torquilstone

    5 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 5 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 4 - 8
    (4.10% of Supply)

    Wamba the Fool

    4 diseños únicos
    x 1 eBooks numerados
    = 4 NFT eBooks
    eBook Numbers 0 - 3
    (3.28% of Supply)


    Editor : Book.io

    Serie : Book.io Con 2024

    First Publication Date : 1820

    Autor : Walter Scott

    Word Count : 175,000

    Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)

    Siga leyendo : Book.io eReader dApp

    Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución

    Información del autor

    Walter Scott

    Walter Scott (1771-1832), a Scottish novelist and poet, remains one of the most celebrated literary figures of the Romantic era. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Scott's prolific literary career spanned genres, from historical novels to poetry, leaving an indelible mark on the literary landscape of the 19th century. His magnum opus, "Ivanhoe," published in 1820, stands as a seminal work in historical fiction, captivating readers with its vivid portrayal of medieval England and its rich tapestry of c… Seguir leyendo
