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jpg.storeExplore el universo de Dune de Frank Herbert en toda su riqueza filosófica.
"Quien controla la especia controla el universo".
Tens of thousands of years into an intergalactic future, can humans endure or will we sacrifice what is most important in our humanity for power, glory, religion and of course, the control of the spice? Dune y la filosofía sets an intellectual course through sand and stars to find out.
Frank Herbert’s Dune saga is the epic story of Paul, son of Duke Leto Atreides, and heir to the massive fortune promised by the desert planet Arrakis and its vast reservoirs of a drug called “spice.” To control the spice, Paul and his mother Jessica, a devotee of the pseudo-religious Bene Gesserit order, must find their place in the culture of the desert-dwelling Fremen of Arrakis. Paul must contend with both the devious rival House Harkonnen and the gargantuan desert sandworms―the source of the spice. The future of the Imperium depends upon one young man who will need to lead a new jihad to control the universe.
Dune y la filosofía recruits 23 philosophers to sift wisdom from Frank Herbert’s Duniverse, including the first of an expected series of films following Paul “Muad’Dib” Atreides and his descendants, captivatingly brought to the big screen by Denis Villeneuve in 2021. Part of the New Wave of science fiction of the 60s and 70s, Dune is characterized by literary experimentation with shifting styles, differing narrative points of view, and with the “psychedelic” culture of the period. In Dune, the long-term strategies and intricate plots of warring Great Houses are driven not just by Heighliner spacecraft and lasguns, but also by mind-expanding drugs, psychic powers, dystopian themes, race memories, and martial arts allowing control of the mind and the body. Substantial yet accessible chapters address philosophical questions including:
Numbered eBooks: 400
Number of Unique Covers: 73
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6 diseños únicos
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eBook Números 0 - 5
(1,50% de Suministro)
Editor : Wiley-Blackwell
Serie : Cultura pop
Fecha de primera publicación : 2022
Autores: Kevin S. Decker, William Irwin
Word Count : 68,000
Formato : DEA (Activo Cifrado Descentralizado)
Siga leyendo : eReader dApp
Portada : Incluye portada del libro en 4K de alta resolución
Cardano Retail Price : 29 ADA
Límite de compra: 3
Cardano Policy ID : c2ebdc7f5a92e1cf8fcb338914b2bab606d75ada2f8c3c50eaead8d6
Kevin S. Decker grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, enjoying bike riding, reading, Imo's Pizza, and Ted Drewes' frozen custard.
Se licenció en Historia y Filosofía por el McKendree College (ahora Universidad) en 1990. Estudió Historia en la Universidad de Missouri-St. Louis, pero se doctoró en Filosofía en la Universidad de St.
Since 2005, Decker has taught at Eastern Washington University (Cheney, WA) and served as associate dean of his colleg… Seguir leyendo
¿Se necesita fe para ser un Jedi? ¿Son capaces de pensar los droides? ¿Debe considerarse a Jar Jar Binks responsable del ascenso del Imperio? Con ensayos totalmente nuevos, ningún aspecto del mito y la magia de la creación de George Lucas se deja sin examinar filosóficamente en The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy.
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William Irwin is Herve A. LeBlanc Distinguished Service Professor in the Philosophy Department at King's College, Pennsylvania. Irwin's books include Little Siddhartha (2018), God Is a Question, Not an Answer (2018), and The Meaning of Metallica (2022). He is also the author of the novel Free Dakota (2016) and The Free Market Existentialist: Capitalism without Consumerism (2015).
Irwin is best known for having originated the philosophy and popular culture genre of books with Seinfeld and Philos… Seguir leyendo
Desenreda la compleja red de dilemas filosóficos de Spidey y su mundo
Desde que Stan Lee y Marvel presentaron a Spiderman en Amazing Fantasy #15 en 1962, el lanzarredes favorito de todos ha tenido una larga carrera en cómics, novelas gráficas, dibujos animados, películas e incluso en Broadway. En este libro, algunos de los filósofos más poderosos de la historia nos ayudan a explorar las cuestiones y los problemas que rodean a este querido superhéroe: ¿Es Peter Parker el culpable de la muerte de su tío? ¿Realmente un gran poder... Seguir leyendo
¿Se necesita fe para ser un Jedi? ¿Son capaces de pensar los droides? ¿Debe considerarse a Jar Jar Binks responsable del ascenso del Imperio? Con ensayos totalmente nuevos, ningún aspecto del mito y la magia de la creación de George Lucas se deja sin examinar filosóficamente en The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy.
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